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yoongi was right, jimin is so broken inside he don't know better anymore. the bullies had beaten down his confidence so much that he has trust issues to go with his autism.

the older suddenly woke up by a nightmare. min rarely had nightmares, especially nightmares like this one. he dreamt of the one person sleeping in his lap. his brain knew by looking at park what the boy has been going through, that made the bleach blond male wake up at 4 am. yoongi knew he wouldn't be able to fall asleep anyway so he decided to just watch the pink haired boy sleep in peace until morning.

yoongi had been up for more than two hours just watching the younger, when he wakes up. jimin slowly opens his swollen eyes, adjusting to the light of the sun, he made eye contact with the senior.
"how'd you sleep?" min greeted the sophomore "is my lap that comfortable?" the older grinned and jimin gave a shy giggle. "get up now, i can't feel my thighs."

yoongi's flat weren't one of the fancy and big ones but it was small and cozy, which worked perfectly for the senior. he told jimin to go sit in one of the chairs by the tiny dinner table, then min brought two yoghurt packages for them to share.
"you don't eat much, do you?" the sophomore asked and tried to pick up the opening on the raspberry flavoured yoghurt. "does it look like i eat much?" he put his hand around his tiny wrist, his fingers overlapped each other. "maybe you just have large hands." the younger tried. min lifted his grey t-shirt up to reveal a very prominent ribcage, it looked like he had starved for days. he was almost as thin as jungkook, but he had a reason to be that skinny. "i'm on medication for my bipolar disorder, which makes me lose my appetite." he spoke and ripped the lid of the yoghurt, he practically drank the milk product. "right, you need lunch for school." the older pointed out, searching in his cupboards only finding some kind of chicken flavoured ramen snack. "here. you crush the dry noodles in the bag then you just add the flavour powder, simple i guess." he told the younger to catch the yellow bag but in that moment jimin just didn't connect and the bag fell on the floor. "ey, are you gonna have it or what?" jimin apologised and picked it up to place it in his backpack. min didn't pack anything for lunch, he wasn't hungry at lunch time. he manage to survive on a yoghurt for the whole school day.

"jim-m-min!" an ever so familiar voice shouted at him from behind, he turned around by the calling and waved to seokjin standing not so far away.
when the eldest came towards them, joined by namjoon.
"what's up?" the younger of the two seniors greeted jimin and yoongi. "i'm gonna get going." the youngest of the three seniors was about to leave when park grabbed him by the uniform "uh, please don't leave." he didn't want to seem desperate but he and min had gotten some kind of connection, according to jimin. "so what? do you want me here?" yoongi teased the youngest of them which made his cheeks flush. "what do-ppyeong-you think?" the oldest suddenly laid a comment which min didn't appreciate, "shut up, hyung!" his mood suddenly changed drastically. "yoongi, did you take your meds?" namjoon inquired and the younger shook his head "i'm tired of those shitty pills!" he shouted through the corridors. "come on yoongs, let go get them." kim grabbed him by the wrist to go get his medicine but yoongi were just not having it. "let go of my arm you bastard!" yoongi yells before he raises his fist to leave a bruise on namjoon's body but someone stopped his act, not seokjin. "stop fighting!" jimin begged the two, "if you're going to hit someone hit me!" he yells which leaves all of the hyungs speechless. "i-i can't hit you." yoongi stuttered, he was feeling flustered that jimin would just take someone's party like that. seokjin and namjoon were both shocked as they've never seen anyone make min stutter like that.

sick school | jimin ffNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ