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The full moon faded away as a werewolf shifted back to his human form. He breathed heavily after a rough few hours.

He opened the door to his safe room he had held himself in.

He sighed heavily, struggling to remember anything from the night his wolf self had experienced.

"Ruff night, huh, Remus?"

The man looked up and met eyes with someone he never thought he'd see again. His black messy hair. His grey eyes. His light skin. How had he found him?

"P-padfoot? Sirius is that you?"

"Why would you betray me?"

"I didn't-"

"You leave me in Azkaban and don't bother to care to visit? How could you?"

"What? I wasn't-"

"I can't believe you'd do such a thing to me. I thought we were brothers" shouted Sirius.

Remus reached for his friend, trying to touch him and hold him. To reassure him he would never purposely do that.

"Sirius I didn't mean to. I'm sorry, Padfoot. I'm so so sorry. Forgive me. I was so sad about James and then you were gone too. I was upset with myself for not being able to stop either of your fates. I locked myself in my own home!"

Remus cried and wrapped his arms around Sirius' feet. He didn't want him to leave.

"I can't be the brother of a traitor. I thought what we all did, what I did for you meant something. I hate you, Moony" said Sirius in an angry yet silent voice.

"I went to find Wormtail after I found out what he's done, you know? I went to tell him off. I went to kill him. I went to get revenge. I was angry. I needed to do something. I thought I did it. I thought he was gone. But how could he have been gone leaving only a finger? Muggles had their bodies scattered around but he had only a finger of his there. I should've known he'd done that. I should've known you would betray me"

Remus hugged Padfoot's feet. He held onto him tightly. He didn't want to, he couldn't let go. It's been so long. He was going mad without him. Without someone to help him.

But Sirius...The only brother he had left alive. Never could he leave him again. He'd never forgive himself if he let him go once more.

"Don't leave me. I'm sorry. I'm stupid. I'm ashamed of myself. I beg you to forgive me. You don't know how awful I feel. Please. I'm sorry"

"Too late for sorry. You did what you did. What's done is done. I've managed to escape Azkaban and put a spell so no one would notice for a decade or so. My animagus ability is really helpful, you know? Of course you don't, you selfless werewolf"

"No Sirius. No, please. Don't leave me! Don't leave! I'm scared on my own. I need you to be with me. Just like old times. We can be brothers. We can be under hiding together. Please don't leave me" begged Remus.

"You betrayed me when I trusted you!"

"I'm sorry, Padfoot. Please, I'm sorry!"

"Apology not accepted"

"Padfoot, I-"

A knock sounded on Remus' front door. They shared a look of confusion but Remus still had tears in his eyes.

He quickly wiped his face and went to get the door as Sirius turned into a dog and hid in the shadows inside the house.

"May I help you- Headmaster Dumbledore? W-what are you doing here?"

"May I come in?"

"Oh, of course. Have a seat on my couch. Make yourself at home. I don't have any lemon drops, sorry" apologized Remus, hiding his previous sadness inside.

"Oh, that's alright. I've actually come for something other than candy, can you believe it? I was in my office when I thought of poor Harry. Then I thought back of his mother and father. Then I thought of Sirius and you. I've remembered seeing something earlier. Some sort of muggle news typed on paper without moving pictures. Something about a child left in orphanage as a baby only a year old. No record of his parents. There was a picture with the article of him. He seemed quite a bit like James Potter. His eyes looked green, and his hair was dark brown. He has a rather small body and a bit too thin in my opinion. I looked into it and found out a man, Vernon Dursley left him.. No names were told to the orphanage except the child's name. 'Harry James Potter,' the news had said.

Remus had no words to say. Padfoot the dog was confused and shocked at what he heard. Harry Potter? James' son?

Sirius was so happy his godson was not in the horrid muggles' care. He had to get to him. But he's wanted by both the wizarding world and muggle world.

He realized he should forgive him. He did care about him. And he knew now he was cared for back. They were very much brothers.

Maybe they could find his godson. Maybe they could raise him together.

"Remus, boy, are you alright?"

The confused wolf-man cleared his throat before getting an answer out of himself.

"How-? Harry? James' boy? Orphanage? He's stuck in an orphanage with muggles? I have to get him. He might expose his magic to them. Oh no!"

"Already taken care of. I've talked to Minerva to get him from the place. He should be here soon" said Dumbledore as if it was nothing exciting or interesting at all. He was acting all casual about it.

"He's coming! Oh I have to go fix a bed for him. I'll give him the second biggest room I have. I can't believe it. Oh I'm so happy I can care for him" said Remus.

"But what of your condition?"

"I'll take care of that. We'll raise him well together," chimed in a new voice. Sirius' voice. He turned into a human and voiced his say in the matter.

"Mister Black, how surprising. I thought you'd interrupt earlier," said Dumbledore.

From the closed front door came a knock once again....

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