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It was the year of 1991 and Harry Potter was excited for her first year of Hogwarts. He's gotten his letter already and was to go shopping for his things soon.

"Uncle, godfather, wake up! It's the day! Today's the day that I turn eleven. Wake up!"

Sirius woke up quickly at the sound of godson's birthday. He remembered Harry as a small little baby. He remembered his bright green eyes sparkling with innocence. His dark hair messy as his father's was.

"Harry? Remus, wake up, it's Harry's birthday! It's his birthday! It's James' son's birthday. Prongslette is eleven today!"

Remus sat up in bed lazily and rubbed his eyes of sleep. He blinked tiredly at his friend in confusion.

"What was that? Who's birthday?"

"Harry! Prongs' son! Prongslette is eleven. Bambi is going to Hogwarts soon" said Sirius happily.

"What? Really? Oh that's wonderful! We should go take him and buy him a present. His father's old broomstick, maybe. Or his invisibility cloak, wait I think Dumbledore had taken that. Oh, well. His broomstick will do" said Remus.

"A letter came from Minnie. She said she's got permission to have us over and stay until school starts. I wanna go! Can we go?"

"Of course, Harry. Let's all get dressed, eat, and we'll go floo to Hogwarts," said Remus.

Harry cheered in excitement and expressed how much there was by running out of the room to his own and changing to his favorite shirt and loose pants and his favorite red sneakers he was given for his tenth birthday around two months ago.

Sirius and Remus sighed, knowing the boy would grow older and would stop his childish frantic.

He'd be more rebellious or less childish. He'd grow out of his adorable habits. He'd be a student. He'd be the one in the middle of war.

They didn't want that. Why had James and Lily died? Why did they have to be killed? Anyone else, they would have preferred. Not them.

They were the best people they'd known. They were couple goals. They were gone and would never be coming back.

They got dressed themselves and used their magic to pack their bags, and even Harry's from their room.

"I'll go make breakfast. Mind packing those chew toys we bought last year?"

Sirius went to go get the mouse plush, the squeaky bone, and the squeaky chicken.

Remus went to the kitchen and got his wand to get the plates, forks, spoons, knives, and napkins out while he started on making pancakes.

Soon he had pancakes topped with strawberry sauce, bananas, and whip cream on each plate.

"Woah, these look better than the blueberry pancakes you made last time!"

"Thanks, Harry. Now eat up. Wouldn't want to keep them waiting longer than they should" reminded Remus.

Sirius, Remus, and Harry ate their wonderful breakfast together for thirty minutes before they went to the fireplace and flooed to Hogwarts.

They appeared in Dumbledore's office and saw the Headmaster there.

"Hello Headmaster Dumbledore," greeted Remus.

"Good morning, sir," said Sirius.

"Woah, your beard's longer than the picture on the chocolate frog card!"

"Harry, what did we say about greeting someone?"

"Do it properly and don't be impolite. Sorry. Pleasure to meet you Headmaster Dumbledore," said Harry.

"It's quite alright, Harry. I'd say being on that card is my proudest accomplishment. So how about we go to the Great Hall and meet Professor McGonagall?"

"Yes, I want to see Minnie again!"

"Good, she should be there soon. Oh, and she might bring someone else you might like to meet" said Dumbledore with a smile.


"You'll see boy, don't worry," chuckled Dumbledore.

They hadn't even gotten to the Great Hall when Remus' sensitive ears heard running of small feet and sobbing. Whimpering, even.

"Do you hear that?"


"That noise. Someone's crying," noted Remus.

"Who would be crying at Hogwarts?"

"Hey is that the library? Can I go and look for a book?"

"Which one?"

"Hogwarts: A History. I want to see some background on the school and it's founders," explained Harry.

"Alright, but come back soon. We'll be over in the Great Hall over there, got it?"

"Yes Uncle," responded Harry.

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