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Harry was leaving the Great Hall from dinner when it happened. The scar on his forehead burnt.

He winced and put his hand above his right eye. Why would it hurt? He doesn't remember it hurting before.

He glanced around the large room and met eyes with a suspicious professor. He was next to the one wearing black robes matching his dark hair and dull eyes, and was wearing a strange accessory on his head. The turban looked like it could fit a whole other head inside.

He continued walking, and thought of how Hermione never showed to the most important part of the Hogwarts experience. The sorting of houses.

He kept walking, fully aware he was being watched by many other students. He was a celebrity, he knew, as a Slytherin has pointed his identity out before they entered the Great Hall. He turned down the boy's offer to be friends. He seemed rude towards a red head in particular.

"Mister Potter, may I have a word?"

He froze at the sound of his head of house's voice calling him out barely as he was heading to his common room for the first time.

Her expression made him realize something was wrong, and he wondered if everything was alright.

"Yes, Professor McGonagall?"

"I haven't seen Hermione all day, but the Headmaster and charms Professor claimed to have been talking to her early in the morning. Do you know where's she gone, by any chance?"

"No, I never heard from since yesterday. Has she ran away or something? What if she's hurt? I can go look for her-"

"No, I mustn't keep you up so late. It might just be a stomach ache or a silly cold. Thank you anyways, Mister Potter"

When she went back to her private quarters, she saw the little pup curled up in her bed, and her blanket on the floor.

Minerva sighed as she overlaid the cotton material over her small figure. She worried what happened, but knew she was Gryffindor just like herself. For that she was proud and happy, and she fell asleep on her own bed knowing that.

When she woke up she found the smaller bed empty. Her blanket was neatly folded and pillows rearranged properly.

She only needed to glance up to see that she was there in the corner, shaking in fear as she hid in the shadows.

"Hermione, whats wrong?"

She went over to the scared little girl already dressed in school clothing and tried to comfort her, but was rebuffed.

"Go away" said the smallest voice the professor ever heard.

"This is my room, young lady, and I will not go away by someone else's command" argued the adult.

"Fine, I'll go away" she spat, before she stood up and ran out of the room faster than a snitch could fly.

Minerva caught up to her in her cat form, and made sure she stopped before shifting back.

"What do you think you are doing? You have classes to attend and breakfast to eat" reminded Minerva. The Gryffindor shook her head to herself and just walked away, to her first class of the day that would not start until over an hour later.

Her guardian sighed as she knew the girl was troubled with facing any students. She could only hope no one would be rude to her.

Hope did not help.

Hermione had done well to keep herself from any unwanted attention, but a Slytherin who couldn't keep to himself had to point her out in Potions.

"Oh look, Gryffindors must've started a freak charity and let that one in"

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