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The library door opened and Hermione heard someone come in. The human's scent was unfamiliar and yet friendly.

"Where is that book? 'Hogwarts: A History,' come out wherever you are" said a boy's voice.

She panicked and rushed to the darkest part of the library. She unfortunately ran into a shelf, knocking a large book off and on top of her.

She fell with the book on top of her, feeling pain in her back, stomach, and face. Her veins throbbed and her ears could hear her own heart beating.

She was wincing when the boy had found her. He was both surprised and confused. He didn't know her and why was a girl in Hogwarts already and in the library?

"Are you alright?"

The boy grabbed the book off of her and helped her up, before jumping back at the sight of her face. She cowered back into shadows as he did so, knowing she already scared someone.

"Hey, whats wrong? Did something come in here and hurt you?"

"No," Hermione replied with both distaste and shame.

"But that long scratch-?"

"-Has been on my face since I was a baby. Can you leave? I know you don't want to see a freak" she said hiding her sadness.

"Yeah that's why I avoid the mirror," said Harry.

"You? A freak? Why would you be a freak? You're normal. I'm not. I fear scaring everyone," said Hermione.

"Because unlike everyone I got no parents, a scar on my forehead, and I'm wanted dead by some murderer," explained Harry.

"I have no parents either, and you already saw my scar. I'm not wanted by a murderer, I don't think, but others probably do" she thought aloud.

"Why? Cause of a scar?"

"Not just any scar. One done by a werewolf. It made me one and now every full moon I change into a monster and don't control what I do. I once hurt my guardian, Minerva, and now she's got a scratch on her arm.

"What? Minnie? How horrible! But you're no freak. My uncle's a werewolf too. When I told him I thought I was a freak he said if I was, then he and every last person was as well, even those who labeled me as one" said Harry.

"Really? I'd like to meet him," said Hermione.

"Well come on. He and my godfather's the ones that brought me here. They should be in the Great Hall. You don't happen to know where that is? I forgot in the short minute I was told" said Harry.

"Yeah, follow me. I'm Hermione, by the way. Hermione Monday," she introduced.

"Your last name is Monday?"

"No it's my middle name. I've got no last name," said Hermione.

"Well I'm Harry James Potter," said Harry with a kind smile.

"Nice to meet you. So you're the famous boy-who-lived? How's life treating you? Spoiled with stuff for defeating the Dark Lord?"

"No not really. I'm disciplined well and I've got normal things except for parents, of course. Oh and I've got a broom for my birthday, today. I haven't gotten it yet but I know it's my father's" said Harry.

"That's great, Harry. Happy birthday, then. How old are you now?"

"As of today I'm eleven and ready for Hogwarts"

"Really? I'm going to start Hogwarts this year too" said Hermione.

"Really? That's great, we've got each other for friends already" said Harry happily.


"Yeah? Do you not want to be?"

"No, of course, it's just, are you sure? I've never got any friends before. I'm not well when it's a full moon. It wouldn't be safe-" said Hermione.

"Hey, it's alright. I'm an animagus. I can turn into a cat, thanks to my Uncle and Godfather. I get to help my uncle when he's a werewolf, and my godfather helps as his black dog form" said Harry proudly.

"Really? Well then I suppose it's safe to say that we're friends" said Hermione.

"Yeah. And I won't have a problem if we're separated into different houses. I mean even if one of us is Slytherin and another is Gryffindor, I'd be totally fine. My cat form will help me sneak in anywhere"

"Alright, then. Let's go to the Great Hall now" said Hermione, leading them to the room everyone awaited their presence and Snape was temporarily in a good mood.

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