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Harry was not worried one bit. Hermione, on the other hand, was extremely nervous. It was the first full moon in the school year.

"Don't worry, I'm here with you. Any situation involving students I can handle an excuse and meet you as soon as I can. Of course the professors all know, except the Defense Against the Dark Arts. If anything happens around him, Ill take care of it"

"I know. You're a great friend, Harry. But that's not what I'm really worried about right now"

"What are you worried about, then?"

The girl looked nervously at the floor before meeting her best friend's eyes.

"I'm scared I might hurt you"

The smile on Harry's face greatly confused her. How could he possibly think it's some sort of joke or a good thing?

"Oh please, I know you. You would never hurt me. Not even as a werewolf"

Harry was so confident and yet she was so doubtful. It was a strange duo and yet they were inseparable.

"I really hope you're right"

They walked to their first class, while everyone else was at the Great Hall. Hermione's nerves were more than Harry's known with his life at Lupin's.

"Hermione, if you feel any bit uncomfortable, let me know. I'm one hundred percent here for you, I promise"

"Thank you"

Hermione attacked him in a hug, and her mind racing made her use a part of her inhuman strength.

"I would do anything for my best friend" assured Harry.

Those words made Hermione feel relieved and happy throughout most of the day, including a part of Potions, until it was Defense Against the Dark Arts.

The class was bad enough without her wolf situation. The professor wasn't that great at teaching as his stuttering got in the way of the students' education as they didn't understand much.

Unfortunately for the two Gryffindors, a Slytherin had spoken with unwise words.

"Excuse me, professor, but I was wondering when we would learn about freaks and where to donate to them?"

Just as the entirety of the class laughed, minus the two students and the professor, Hermione could feel her veins popping out of her skin, and tensed very much that Harry noticed.

"Hermione? Is it dark out already?"

Hermione thought it was just her body preparing for later, but no, it was indeed a full moon out.

The day had gone by so fast, and she completely forgot they'd gone to eat lunch already.

She nodded her head the slightest bit, but it was enough for Harry to understand the situation.

"Go, I'll excuse us from class and meet you"

Hermione stood up and sprinted out of class before the class noticed her absence. Harry had eyes on him as he rushed to the professor and asked for Hermione and himself to be excused as it was an emergency.

The professor stuttered out a yes and Harry ran nearly as fast as his best friend had a moment ago. He hurried down the halls and made it out of the castle before he caught up with her.

Harry changed to his animagus form of a black cat, with rims around his eyes and a barely noticeable trace of a lightning scar.

His large green eyes met the brown ones of the canine before him. With just his expression the werewolf could understand him and was calm towards him. Aside from that, the aroma he gave off was friendly.

No one had a clue there was a young werewolf loose in the forbidden forest, unless the professor's looked outside to see the full moon.

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