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It was the special day. The day Hermione, considered a McGonagall, would be getting her own, personal, acceptance letter and new belongings for Hogwarts.

The girl woke up and yawned like an animal would. After getting dressed she quietly walked over to the bed next her own.

"Minnie, wake up! I'm going to start Hogwarts soon!"

She mumbled something inaudible in her sleep and turned to her other side.

"Minnie, please! I'm hungry"

"Alright, I'm up" she finally spoke.

She sat up and rubbed her eyes before yawning. Turning her head she met brown eyes sparkling with knowledge, closer than a foot from her own.

"Good morning my little moon"

"Can I get a hug, Tabby?"

"Of course you can. Come here"

She hugged the child with her warm touch and the girl smiled as she hugged back. When they pulled apart, Hermione gave her a kiss on the cheek. Minerva smiled and copied her example.

"Now how about those Scottish chocolate waffles your favorite house-elf, Scotty, makes?" Hermione's eyes widened in joy and she took it as a yes.

She got off her bed, lifted Hermione into her arms, and carried her out of their sleeping quarters. They were headed to the Great Hall to eat, even though she had her own kitchen.

"When I start school, do I still take the train?"

"It's only tradition, but you can stay here with me if you'd like"

"I want to stay with you, and be here to help you with what you need done. Or maybe be sorted early before anyone gets here"

"Why would you want that?"

"Because everyone could see this on my face and label me as a freak, no matter my house. Hufflepuffs would get laugh at me, and their the nicest house"

"Don't say that. No one would make fun of you"

"Yes they would. People have before"


"Those Weasley's Twins older brother, Percy. That girl Cho Chang. Mister Snape, even, points out my ugly face"

"He would never. Don't you worry, you'll be sorted in the right place. It all depends on your qualities. I'm sure you'd make a wonderful student in any house"

"Even Slytherin?"

"Of course. And if there's any trouble at all, don't avoid telling me or anyone of the other adults. Even Filch would care"

"Alright. Now I'm sure it'll be great on September 1st. Only about two months away"

"That's right. I have a surprise for you, but I'm not sure if you'd like it"

"What is it?"

"You'll see, pup"

"After breakfast?"

"Yes, after breakfast"

Minerva pondered the thought of the little girl being eleven. Soon Hermione would be in school, attending classes, and having her own friends to hang around with. She'd grow out of being the silly kid she was. Or worse, she'd be the outcast of the school, and she'll avoid everyone, even Minnie.

She'd stop wanting hugs and kisses. She'd stop wanting someone watching over her. She'd stop sleeping in their sleeping quarters and have her own dormitory to share with others. She'd probably want to be on her own, and forget about the woman who raised her.

They were already entering the Great Hall and they sneaked up quietly to Severus Snape, the potions master of the school.

He was unsuspecting of any sort of mischief. He thought he would have a peaceful morning.

Just as he had taken a sip of his morning cup of coffee when a child's touch met his skin out of nowhere.

He threw his cup of coffee backwards in surprise. The hot liquid spilt the area behind his seat, and he began to notice the Professor in charge of the child.

"Minerva," he muttered grumpily at the sight of the two most annoying people in the castle.

The girl turned her head in wonder at the man before him. She wondered why he was always in a bad mood.

Snape rolled his eyes and looked away in disgust at the sight. Why must they ruin his day this early?

"Why must you make today so dreadful?"

"Cheer up, it's a great morning!"

"Unhappy morning, actually," he said dully.

"Can you please at least wish me good morning if you're just going to be a grouch all the time?"

The whole room fell silent and all eyes were on Severus or the young girl.

"Good morning," he said at last with a husky voice.

The girl rolled her eyes and went towards Minerva.

"I'm going to the library. I want to see if there's a book on changing grouches to couches or something like that" said Hermione, making Minerva snicker.

"Alright, come back right after. We're expecting guests to arrive," said Minerva.

Hermione nodded in response, thinking about strangers judging her. Her ugly face would make them think she's a freak.

She headed to the library and hid herself in the darkest corner of the empty room to look between three books on wolves, monsters, and glamour charms.

She had to find something to explain why she had to be stuck with that mark to remind her she's a freak of nature. She didn't belong with anyone or anywhere.

She squinted with her eyes, trying to read the words with her horrid right eye's vision.

She paused her reading and lifted her left hand to her face. She traced the tip of the scar with her fingers from her eye, nose, and cheek, to across her face, over her lips, down her neck, and all the way to where it almost met her shoulder. It was hideous. She was hideous.

A single tear flowed down her left eye as she winced from the pain the touch brought back.

After a long time, she finished reading the books and put them back and slammed her head against a table in frustration.

No books had helped her find anything close to what she wanted or needed to hear. Nothing was ever fair for her. She was unlucky.

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