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[frantic breathing]
[bites nails in anticipation]
Also, check out the image I put^
It's a great meme, don't ya think?

What the bloody hell is going on?"

Harry tolled his eyes and glared at all of his dormates.

"Oh, just stop being judgmental pricks for at least one night, will you? They have done nothing to any single one of you, okay?"

"Oh, sure. Do you not remember—?"

"That they are Slytherins? Yeah, so what? I was almost sorted into Slytherin, who knows why, but I got into Gryffindor. You're wrong about Slytherins, Ron. Not all of the Slytherins are bad," Harry lecture to his roommates.

There was an awkward silence for a short moment, before Harry continued to talk, to ease everyone and lighten the mood.

"Besides, imagine what pranks a Slytherin and a Gryffindor could pull together. I mean, do either of you two prank people?"

"Sometimes," answered the Pansy.

"Well, yeah. But not too often, because I can never pull them off on my own," confesses Draco.

"Then we should totally plan to pull one together," suggested Harry.

"C-can I join?"

"Of course you can, Ron. The more people planning, the better the prank," said Harry.

Hermione was very uneasy about everything, silently standing where she was, looking to her feet, thinking of how Minnie would be alone.

She can't believe she let herself get involved with going to Gryffindor Tower just because of Filch's intimidation on the entire student body. She knows he would understand if she was up late in the library, and would let her continue to Professor McGonagall's private chambers.

It was just the Slytherins... they were there, and she got distracted and scared of making them think she resided with the transfiguration professor, and scared of being judged for it.

Oh, why did she ever have to read so much?

"I wanna join—!"

"Me too," chimed in Dean Thomas, after his best friend had done so first.

"Neville, what about you?"

"N-no, I'm good, thanks. I probably shouldn't. My nan wouldn't like it, and I'm too clumsy to pull a prank. I'll be better off not getting involved," said Neville, feeling awkward and upset with his clumsiness.

"Are you sure. What your nan doesn't know, won't hurt her. Besides, your clumsiness might be a great advantage in a prank," reasoned Harry.


"Sure. So what do you say?"

"I say... don't tell my nan" said an excited Neville Longbottom. It was probably one of the happiest or cheeriest moods he's had in years.

Most of the others laughed, except for Hermione. She was lost in her thoughts, and worried about what might do in her sleep if she stayed there.

She knew she must have cried or screamed most nights, for several times she's woken up in the middle of the night to Minnie holding her in her arms, and whispering soothing words.

"Hey, Hermione, what about you? Are you going to prank someone?"

"Her, prank someone? She does not look the pranking type," scoffed Ron.

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