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.....From the closed front door came a knock once again....

"Is that-" started Remus

"Him?" Sirius has finished his sentence.

Dumbledore nodded at them and encouraged Remus to open the door.

He went up to it and pulled on the knob, revealing a small little boy with hair as brown as Remus' friend once had, and his mother's eyes as well. He even was wearing his father's glasses already.

His hair looked thick and a bit tangled, as if it hasn't been brushed properly everyday. His eyes, well the area around them, looked tired. Like he had trouble sleeping. It seemed odd. Was that normal for children from an orphanage?

"H-hello. Please come in. Professor McGonagall, how are you?" The woman nodded her head to greet him silently, and she encouraged the little boy to walk forward. He closed the door behind them and walked towards the couch, where he saw Sirius was already sitting.

Dumbledore shared a look with McGonagall and they excused themselves to leave already.

"So I suppose you heard of your parents' unfortunate fate?"

"Yeah, and I've had nightmares about it a lot. Were you their friends?"

Remus sniffled and nodded, hoping he would appreciate them.

"You seem nice. I like that" he said happily.

"You do, now? Have you been told of anything unusual?"

"Like the magical world that exists? Yes, Min-Minerva McGonagall told me. She even showed me she could transform into a cat" informed Harry with excitement.

"You like cats, then? What about dogs? Or wolves? Or any other animals for that matter?"

"Oh, I love all creatures. I especially love wild life" he said with his six year old voice.

"Well you want to know something? This human right here, Sirius. He can turn into a black dog like Minnie can. I can turn into a wolf, but it's not the same way. I don't really control myself like my human self would" rambled Remus.

"Like a werewolf?"

"Well, yes actually. I'm a werewolf" responded Remus.

"That's cool! I wish I could turn into an animal. Like a cat! Oh, cats are so cool in books I've read. Usually they are pampered or hurting people, but I think they're misunderstood" thought Harry.

"Well that's wonderful. Maybe we can do just that. Sirius and I can help you become a creature like us. Maybe we could roam around together when I'm a werewolf" suggested Remus.

"Really? That sounds amazing. Could you really? You're the best, Uncle!"

Harry rushed towards them and hugged him. Even though they just met, they liked each other already.


"Is it okay if I call you that?"

"Of course you can! Have you gotten anything for dinner, yet?"

He nodded, and he smiled at him. He was so adorable.

"Well come on, lets take you to your bed" said Remus, picking him up in his arms.

"I get my own bed, too?"

"Of course. Did you not have your own before?"

"Not really. I had to share it with a boy who was always angry and pushed me off the bed. He snored awfully loud and I never got any sleep," told Harry.

"Well now you got us, little cub" said Remus in happiness.


"Would you like another nickname?"

"Kitten! Or tiger! Or Tom, like a Tom cat" thought Harry.

"Alright then, tiger" said Remus.

"I'm happy to meet you. Both of you. It means so much to someone wants me," he said without realizing how much it made them curious and worried.

"Of course we want you. Why wouldn't we?"

"Because I'm a weirdo" he responded silently.

"You most definitely are not. Why would you ever think so?"

"Some kids at the orphanage told me so. They said I was a freak and that nobody would want me if my own parents didn't leave me with a nice home and people to help me"

"Well that's not right. You have every right to be wanted as much as they do and you are no freak. If you are one, then I'm one, and Sirius, and everyone else on this planet, even those kids who called you one. Now let's get you in bed" said Remus as they entered a huge room with light grey walls, a red bed with black pillows and blankets, a white couch, a small table, and a door that lead to a walk in closet and further to his own bathroom.

"This is my room?"

"Of course it is. Maybe we can go tomorrow to shop for some clothes and such to fill your room. How does that sound?"

"Amazing! I can't wait" Harry happily replied.

"On our way back we'll even get you some toys and maybe a broom" said Remus, and then he chuckled when his eyes widened at him in excitement.

With the help of Sirius, he put him in bed and tucked him in. "Goodnight little one" Remus whispered.

He gave him a kiss on his forehead and smiled at him. "Goodnight uncle" he whispered before yawning.

Sirius smiled at the scene and waited for Remus by the door.


Remus turned and looked at the little boy.

"If you're my uncle, what is Sirius?"

Remus looked at Sirius for a moment before returning his eyes on her.

"Your godfather," said Remus.

"Then why didn't he give me a goodnight kiss?"

Remus smiled at Sirius, and watched him go up to her and give the boy a kiss on the forehead like he had.

"Goodnight, Harry" whispered Sirius with a smile. He loved being around him already.

"Goodnight uncle and godfather" said Harry with a smile. His eyes shut closed and he slowly fell asleep.

Sirius and Remus quietly left the room, shutting the door with as little sound as possible and turning off the light.

They went to bed in Remus' room happily knowing they were raising him together for James.

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