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A/N: yeet

The two boys stopped when they heard a noise that they noticed only in the miliseconds between their noisy footsteps.

It was a light volume of sniffles and cries, and another voice whispering words inaudible to the two boys, but they could tell they were comforting.

They knew it had to be the two girls.

They carefully and quietly entered the place they heard their voices originate. It was an abandoned bathroom, known to be Moaning Myrtle's bathroom.

"We're over here," called Pansy's voice.

They went over to the stall they heard her from. They pulled open the door to see the sight of the girl holding Hermione in  her arms, as the Gryffindor cried in her own sleeves.

"Hey, I'm here. Hermione, it's okay. He was just a big pain. He doesn't know any better. He doesn't even know you. He is wrong, you hear me? You're amazing and perfect just the way you are"

Harry got a hold of his best friend, making Pansy let go of her grip on the girl.

"Come on, Draco and I ran into Professor McGonagall. She wanted us to go to her office once we found you," softly said Harry.

She wordlessly let her best friend help her up, and hugged him close as they walked, him wrapping an arm around her shoulder for protection.

"Don't worry, Pans. Harry explained that we're not in trouble on the way here"

The other Slytherin rose an eyebrow at the first name basis, but didn't question it. It was already a weird day.


A/N: I know, it's short, but I didn't have much inspo for this scene so... yeet

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