Chapter 1: Chosen

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"I'm so excited for our ceremony today Cherrykit!" Marshkit exclaimed, bouncing up and down. "Marshkit calm down, this happens to every kit. You must stop being so loud, you'll awake your clanmates." Windleap scolded, yawning as the bright sun had risen and fallen across all the clans.

Cherrykit's reply was only a simple nod, She observed the trees and sun carefully and sighed. She had no words to say. Tall Aspen trees leaves bristled and she longed to catch one, but never had the confidence to do so.

Marshkit neck fur bristled at her mothers scold. She yawned, and her belly growled. "I'm going for something to eat, see you!" she yapped loudly. Then gently picking out a small mouse for herself and ran with it into the nursery.

Cherrykit watched her sister with interest, on how fast and how quickly her sister rushed to get it. "I'm going too." she whispered quietly. Her mother reply was a yawn, and Cherrykit assumed she was tired and said no more, slightly embarrassed, it only seemed if she was talking to herself.

Marshkit with satisfaction hid the remaining of the mouse as she wasn't that hungry. She ran to the elders den hoping for a morning story. She bolted out of the nursery without telling Windleap and ran to Shrewfang and Owlheart.

Cherrykit slowly walked to the fresh kill pile, admiring her surroundings and observing them. She padded on and picked the smallest mouse. She felt hungry, but wasn't bothered to eat. She noticed her sister had disappeared from the nursery and immediately thought she went to the elders den for a story, like she did every morning.

"I can tell you about the story...of how i shredded a badger, ah yes, that was a memorial time." Owlheart rasped. "Ooooooh!" Marshkit squealed, then sat down, listening super closely.

"A badger came and attacked the camp... and I defended the camp, I took my claw and jumped onto the badgers back, i nudged up a bit and bit into it as hard as I could. It went flying back out." she shook her head as she remembered it slowly.

Cherrykit noticed how engaged Marshkit was, until a clan meeting was called.

"Thanks Owlheart!" Marshkit squeaked, then returning and brushed against her sisters pelt, buzzing with excitement.

"Cherrykit and Marshkit please come out." Flamestar meowed.

Murmurs arose from the crowd. Cherrykit trembled as murmurs arose, and overlooking all the clan. 

Marshkit stood proudly in front, closing her eyes and let the wind ruffle her pelt.

"From now on Cherrykit until you receive your warrior name, you will be known as Cherrypaw. Your mentor will be Swiftpetal." They touched noses and stared at each other for a brief moment.

"Marshkit you will become known as Marshpaw and your mentor will be, Skyshine." he continued, they touched noses, and and smiled.

They were now apprentices.

Warrior Cats: The Legacy #1 - The Silver MoonWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu