Chapter 8: Escape

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Cherrypaw sighed, the freezing air, whipping her fur. She knew she had to go back to camp, she couldn't hide here forever, Lakepaw had gone hunting anyway. She had to get back to Marshpaw and apologise.

When she got into camp, she saw Marshpaw, sitting alone, she padded up to her.

"I'm so sorry," she whispered, just enough for Marshpaw to hear.

Marshpaw looked up.

"Why did you become mates with Lakepaw!?" Marshpaw blurted out.

Cherrypaw was taken aback. "I'm not mates with Lakepaw! But listen, if you don't forgive me, I understand."

Marshpaw sighed and looked down.

"You don't forgive me, do you?" meowed Cherrypaw with no emotion.

Marshpaw looked up at her, slight fear in her eyes. But Cherrypaw simply walked away, out of camp.

Cherrypaw knew at that moment that her life wouldn't be the same, ever again. If Marshpaw didn't trust her, or forgive her, there was nothing she could do about it. She started running, she didn't know where, but far away from where she was now. Instead of running onto other Clan territories, she ran the opposite way, away from the Clans, away from WindClan, away from her sister.

After what seemed a moon of running. She stopped. The sun was setting. She curled up and fell, into a deep sleep.

When she woke up she thought about going back, That'll only make things worse, she convinced herself. She decided to hunt, after all she was starving. She managed to catch two mice, she buried one and ate the other. Afterwards, she decided she would attempt making a den. Eventually, after gathering moss, feathers, bracken, sticks and a few brambles, she started making her den. As the sun dropped, onto the horizon and the moon wavered in the sky, she had made, almost a better den than the apprentice den. It was water-proof, quite spacious  and none of the freezing air could get in. She dug up her mouse she had caught earlier and ate it. Eventually, she settled down to sleep, thinking about how she would never see her sister, Lakepaw, or her parents ever again.

Warrior Cats: The Legacy #1 - The Silver MoonWhere stories live. Discover now