Chapter 22: Secrets

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Cherrypaw's dreams were a mixture of confusing StarClan messages bundled up with nightmares. She awoke, breathing heavily, panic slowly dying down. She looked around the small makeshift den, that was supposed to be the apprentice den. Her gaze drifted over all the apprentices, Sagepaw, Brightpaw, Rosepaw.. wait, where was Marshpaw! And Frogpaw! Anger and confusion welled up inside her, making her squeak in panic and alarm. Rosepaw turned over in her sleep and muttered something under her breath, but no one woke up. Sighing in relief, Cherrypaw started wondering where her sister and Frogpaw were. She forced herself back to sleep, hoping they would be back soon.

Cherrypaw awoke with a start, she glanced around the den, Frogpaw and Marshpaw were the only cats there. Stretching, Cherrypaw wandered out into the open, the wind ruffled her pelt and she gazed up at the sun, just starting to appear from under the hills.

"Let all cats old enough to catch their own prey, gather beneath the ledge for a Clan meeting," yowled Archstar.
Cherrypaw noticed how tired, both Marshpaw and Frogpaw looked as they padded slowly out of their den.
"Firstly, a new deputy must be made, I've thought hard about this decision and I have decided to choose Ripplefang," he yowled across the clearing. "And second, we have two apprentices that are ready to become warriors."
Archstar beckoned with his tail for Marshpaw and Cherrypaw step forward. Both cats did so.
"I, Archstar, leader of WindClan, call upon my warrior ancestors to look down on these apprentices. They have trained hard to understand the ways of your noble code, and I commend them to warriors in their turn." mewed Archstar proudly. "Marshpaw, do you promise to uphold the warrior code and to protect and defend your Clan, even at the cost of your life?"
"I do," Marshpaw mewed strongly.
"Then, by the powers of StarClan, I give you your warrior name. Marshpaw from this moment, you will be known as Marshwillow, StarClan honours you quick thinking and hunting skills, and we welcome you as a full warrior of WindClan."
"Cherrypaw, do you promise to uphold the warrior code and to protect and defend your Clan even at the cost of your life?" Archstar asked, turning to her.
"I do," she mewed confidently.
"Then by the powers of StarClan, I give you your warrior name. Cherrypaw, from this moment you will be known as Cherryfeather. StarClan honours your strength and fighting skills, and we welcome you as a full warrior of WindClan." continued Archstar.
The Clan immediately burst into applause. "Marshwillow! Cherryfeather!"

After the ceremony, Marshwillow and Cherryfeather both bounded down from the ledge, smiling. Cherryfeather started heading over towards the medicine cat den, to visit Windleap, but stopped when she noticed Frogpaw approaching Marshwillow.
"Congratulations!" he called to her. "Hey, maybe we could go hunting, or maybe just go for a walk.. or maybe-"
Cherryfeather cut Frogpaw off by whipping around and stalking up to him, until she was a whisker away from his face.
"Frogpaw! Clear out the warriors den, and then come back to me, I'm sure I'll have another job for you, Beechclaw is visiting Windleap, so don't dare disturb him." Cherryfeather ordered.
"Y-yes Ch-Cherryfeather," stammered Frogpaw, backing away, ears down.
Marshwillow glared at her and walked off. Cherryfeather hurriedly trotted away to the medicine cats den, where Windleap was sitting, chatting to Beechclaw.
"Hi!" called Cherryfeather.
"Hello Cherryfeather! Your a warrior now, aren't you?" smiled Windleap. "You and your sister are growing up so fast."
Cherryfeather smiled "Thanks, I hope you get better soon. I'll have to go help fix up the nursery, I'll visit you again soon."
"Bye!" called Beechclaw and Windleap as she stalked out of the den.


Cherryfeather stretched, exhausted, Archstar had said that she and Marshwillow could keep their vigil at around sunhigh and finish at dusk, so that they could get a good night's sleep and help with rebuilding the dens early in the morning. Cherryfeather looked up at the sky, it was around dusk, Marshwillow was looking up at the sky too, she was thinking the same thing. Just then, Ripplefang came over and excused them from their vigil. Both she-cats trudged to the warriors den, yawning. Cherryfeather wanted to fall asleep immediately, but she decided to stay up, to see if Marshwillow would leave camp again.

Cherryfeather settled down, pretending to be asleep, all the other warriors were fast asleep too, she waited awhile and then heard the gently rustle of leaves, Marshwillow was leaving the den. Opening one eye, Cherryfeather watched as Marshwillow disappeared from sight. As quiet as she could, she got up and padded outside. She saw Marshwillow sticking her head into the apprentice den, and a moment later Frogpaw came to the entrance. Something is definitely going on, she thought to herself, watching them quietly leave camp together.

She was just about to follow them, when she thought again, What if they catch me? What will I do? She pushed her thoughts violently aside, she would make Frogpaw pay if they found out she was spying. Creeping to the entrance, she noticed that Ripplefang had just left to go get someone else to guard camp. They timed it! She thought angrily, rushing out of camp. Following their scent trail fast, she ran through the moor, she was getting close to the ThunderClan border she realised.

Suddenly she stopped, she had lost them.
"Fox-dung!" she swore angrily.
Just then, the scent of ThunderClan overwhelmed her, she took a few steps back. There was a large light grey ThunderClan tom standing in front of her. Without thinking; she flung herself at him.
Clawing him fiercely, she managed to get onto the ThunderClan border. She bounced back onto WindClan territory, glaring at the tom.

"Wah, your.. great at fighting, Cherryfeather," purred the tom.

"How do you know my name!" hissed Cherryfeather.

"Well.. I've been... watching you.. for a while, I guess you could say," mewed the tom anxiously, ears down.

"Uh.. never mind, can you please stay," asked the tom.
"What's your name?" asked Cherryfeather.
"Smokepelt," replied the tom.
Suddenly the tom pounced on her. "Gotcha."
Cherryfeather desperately tried to stop the purr that was rising in her throat. She kicked out with her hind legs and freed herself. Smokepelt purred loudly and let her up.
"What's it like in WindClan?" he asked.
"It's okay."
"Do you have any siblings?" asked Smokepelt.
"I have Marshwillow, but I don't think she likes me that much.. She always gets angry at me.."
"I'll shred her for you," growled Smokepelt.
Cherryfeather smiled at him and purred.
"I guess I'll have to go soon, but can we please meet again here tonight?" asked Smokepelt.
"Definitely," purred Cherryfeather.
Smokepelt licked her on the ear and padded away. Cherryfeather trotted happily away, then she stopped dead, I really like him.. but he's in ThunderClan!

Cherryfeather suddenly thought about Frogpaw and Marshwillow, they must feel the same way about each other as she felt about Smokepelt... she suddenly felt remorse, thinking about how she had gotten in the way of their relationship. But what if Marshwillow replaces me! No one will care about me anymore..

Hey, Guys! Marshwillow here, just to let you know, we will no longer update The Silver Moon! Its finished! But we are working on a second book, and that'll be published soon enough, so keep your eyes on the look out! Thank you for following the updates of The Silver Moon!

Cherryfeather wrote this chapter, im just letting you know.

Warrior Cats: The Legacy #1 - The Silver MoonWhere stories live. Discover now