Chapter 13: Satisfaction

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Time Skip: 3 moons (roughly.)

A couple of moons had past, and Marshpaw couldn't help but feel happier than she already was in her life, although she went through rough times, she could easily forgive something after she has understood the problem.

Also Frogpaw, Rosepaw, Sagepaw, have been getting more active and doing more duties lately, so she didn't have all the apprentice duties left to her and Cherrypaw.

Sadly though, Skyshine thinks she has been trained to full contempt, and trusts her to do anything like, patrols and much more, usually mentors don't do this, but she moved into the nursery with Gorsecloud's kits. She is almost full due, because she moved in about 2 and a half moons ago

She awoke to Cherrypaw hovering over her, her shadow breaking the light behind her.

"Marshpaw! Hurry, border patrol!" Cherrypaw exclaimed.

"Do I have to?" Marshpaw groaned, very tiredly.

"Yeah, we're taking Lakefrost and Honeypelt, fortunately." Cherrypaw snickered.

"Im not ready for sappy stuff, but i guess they are our friends," Marshpaw laughed, jokingly.

Marshpaw forced herself up and went with Cherrypaw to the border talking a lot in general.

"When we're warriors i'll feel bad for Brightpaw, honestly she'll have to live with the siblings that yap constantly at night." Cherrypaw shrugged, smirking a bit.

Lakefrost called, "Everyone can hear you two from here gossiping," he smirked, and Marshpaw frowned, and snickered.

Cherrypaw rolled her eyes, "Let's go, Honeypelt, you take the lead, and i'll be right at your side, watching these two apprentices." Lakepaw joked.

"We are almost warriors," Marshpaw objected.

"I suppose, lets just keep on going to the borders." Honeypelt meowed.

"You got to stop teasing them, because we are older it means nothing!" Honeypelt snapped, Lakefrost taken aback.

"Well, your right...Honeypelt, Marshpaw, Cherrypaw, sorry," Lakefrost nodded.

"We forgave you long ago," Cherrypaw chirped.

"Lets just keep going," Marshpaw was now getting impatient.

"Got ants in your pelt Marshpaw?" Cherrypaw meowed.

She muttered gibberish and hid her frowning expression but she couldn't control her expression.

Everyone headed on, Marshpaw looking at the distance of the camp.

"Missing Sagepaw and Frogpaw already?" Cherrypaw snickered.

"Come on, no! I don't have any feelings for them, they're just friends with me!" she snapped, uncontrollably.

"You miss Swiftpetal and all of them too!" she snorted.

"Not Swiftpetal, she's weird and a bossy boots," Cherrypaw smirked.

"Wait till one day she feels the wrath of my claws," Cherrypaw muttered, but Marshpaw couldn't hear what her sister had said.

"Hmm," Marshpaw meowed.

"I didn't say anything," Cherrypaw meowed.

"Oh, this is stupid we are falling behind, race you!" Marshpaw winked, they were WindClan cat cats, which meant they could run at not normal speed.

She beat Cherrypaw, but just by barely a couple of seconds or a wrong move and she would of lost.

"Close enough," Cherrypaw shrugged, seeming as she didn't care.

"I wondered where you went," Lakefrost meowed.

"Err, we just fell behind," Cherrypaw responded bitterly.

"That's alright," he dipped his head in respect hiding his expression by turning his face one way.

"I scent something!" Marshpaw stood high, pausing to sniff the air.

"What do you scent Marshpaw?" Lakefrost's eyes widened.

"Dogs!" she shrieked.

"I think the twolegs are coming to get the mother to round up sheep or something stupid like that," Lakefrost reassured everyone.

"Umm, the twoleg is coming over here." Cherrypaw laughed at Lakefrost's unawareness.

"Why didn't you say so, run this way, for StarClan's sake!" Lakefrost was now alarmed.

They ran and ran, until it looks as if they went almost right around the borders.

"We might of left some scent on ThunderClan's border, possibly ShadowClan's too," Marshpaw sighed.

"Great, ShadowClan will claw our pelts off now," Cherrypaw muttered.

"Its getting awful cold, dont you think?" Marshpaw suddenly meowed.

"Yeah, I think Leaf-Bares coming in now," Cherrypaw admitted.

"Lovely," Marshpaw hissed under her breath as she felt something splash her pelt.

"Cherrypaw, why'd you do that!" Marshpaw eyes widened.

"I didn't, do what?" Cherrypaw tilted her head, confused.

She felt more and more, until she smelt the fresh scent of rain that was now pattering on the ground lightly.

"Its raining!" Marshpaw meowed.

"This border patrol is over, lets get background before our pelts are soaked," Honeypelt joked.

"Yup." Cherrypaw and Marshpaw meowed at the same time.

Leaf-Bare has come.

Warrior Cats: The Legacy #1 - The Silver MoonWhere stories live. Discover now