Chapter 21: Surrender

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Marshpaw scampered up after the fight with the Shadowclan toms, every clan was against her.

Oh starclan, please forbid this! Marshwillow thought quietly.

She saw Frogpaw with his siblings in a full on Shadowclan apprentice battle.

"Hold on, Frogpaw Im coming!" she shrieked. Agony linguered in her shoulders. Frogpaw blinked at her gratefully.

An apprentice tom pounced behind her, and she felt the rake of claws down her flank, she immediately turned, raking her claws down his ears and pounced, he winced in pain, and she took a brief glance at Frogpaw, who seemed fine in battle.

Another tom peered out, "Kill her Shadepaw! She isn't worth the huge fight," An apprentice, Lionpaw muttered.

"Oh yeah?" Frogpaw taunted, "Well you are not worth the effort either! Also, don't be so ahead of yourself, what happens if I kill you?" he screamed lunging himself at the tom.

"Frogpaw! I will help!" she rasped in pain. Frogpaw was being pinned by another tom, and he was frantically trying to kick him while the other held him down.

She pounces at the tom pinning him down and knocked him out of the way, raking her claws down his fur. He yelped and surrendered.

The other apprentice had surrendered, thanks to Frogpaw.

"Look, I have to say something to you soon, meet me tomorrow night." Frogpaw whispered, uncertain.

"Can we do it away from camp?" Marshpaw sighed.

Frogpaws eyes widened, "Why?" he asked. Cluelessly.

"Cherrypaw will kill you, if she finds you with me, I want to spend more time, but i'd rather you not die, than be killed by my sister." she replied sorrowfully.

"Oh yeah, your sister, she hates me, I know it, I saw fury burning in her eyes, I dont want her to be taken away by me, I want you to be happy with her not me," Frogpaw sighed.

"But I want to be with you as equally I want to spend time with her," Marshpaw blinked, guiltily. Cherrypaw might kill him if anymore happens.

"Dont worry though, She apologized to me, yesterday, I dont know what made her, I better find where she is. But I wont get far in the middle of this battle." Marshpaw sighed.

Then she froze as a voice rose over all of the cat fight sounds.

"Fine, we surrender take this stupid island of yours and we will go back to WindClan now that its settled." Archstar rolled his eyes.

"You better," Patchstar retorted.

Archstar bit his lip and led his warriors out of the fighting, there was Windleap and Dapplestream wounded.

"Windleap?" Marshpaws eyes widened. As she padded over, with a pang of sorrow hitting her, she realized she never spent much time with her mother.

She sighed, Lynxfur dragged her body away. She murmured something while at it.

She saw Cherrypaw eye her, then Frogpaw. "I wonder if she really is sorry, she must be, but is just stressed. So much has happened," she murmured, to herself.

They arrived at camp, Archstar called for a clan meeting.

"As you know, WindClan have been told or well forced to leave the island, we did in courage, but the flood wreckage had caused all dens to be destroyed." he boomed.

"So," he continued.

"I would like Ripplefang with Beechclaw, Rosepaw and Sagepaw to collect den things, the roofs still remain, but the nests and walls probably won't." he echoed on.

"So I would like them to collect, moss, bracken, feathers, and alot more to be collected. There are no elders, but build a den anyways, make sure its dry moss, and get it by the river while other clans still remain on the island, where their territory hasn't been cleared." Archstar meowed.

"So, we need WindClan to stay strong, and we can do that perfectly fine if other Clans want to just camp." Archstar hissed, and more cats yowled their agreement.

As night went on, Marshpaw padded up to Frogpaw, "Lets go," she meowed, scanning the camp for Cherrypaw, but she realized she was sleeping.

They padded onto a hill, where Frogpaw blinked at her.

"I like to come here when the moon is out, I got to tell you this then head back," he sighed, nervously.

"Marshpaw, how do I explain?" he heaved.

"I love you." Frogpaw blurted out.

Warrior Cats: The Legacy #1 - The Silver MoonWhere stories live. Discover now