Chapter 6: Lakepaw

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Cherrypaw padded out of her den, to a sunny morning, the light of the sun warming her pelt, there was no harsh wind today. Cherrypaw's mind fluttered to her fighting techniques, as her mind steadily created and thought about new moves she could learn and use, she padded up to the fresh-kill pile and took a small rabbit in her jaws.

As she munched on the animal, she heard paw steps behind her, she flicked her ears, warning them not to come any closer, but they ignored her warning, Oh yeah, they won't even understand that, Cherrypaw suddenly remembered that the only cat who knew what the slightest flick of her tail or the twitch of her ears was Marshpaw, and she was on Dawn patrol. The cat settled down beside her, she recognised the cat as Lakepaw.

"Mind if I join you?" he asked smoothly.

Secretly, Cherrypaw did mind, the only person she even trusted properly was Marshpaw (Her sister), Windleap (Her mother) and Beechclaw (Her father), she was getting used to Swiftpetal, her mentor, but Lakepaw.

Lakepaw settled down beside her.

"You know something?" he purred. "I'm the best fighter in the Clan."

Cherrypaw looked away, as she couldn't help the strong burst of amusement from her eyes.

"I bet your rubbish," he joked. "Just kidding, I suppose you'd be okay, since your Marshpaw's sister."

Anger welled up inside her, but she forced it down, he was just trying to get some reaction out of her, he didn't really 'like' her sister. Not in that way anyway.

"Come on, what got you down?" he asked in a sarcastic girlish voice.

Cherrypaw flicked her tail right in his face, which was a sign all cats knew meant- 'shut up and leave me alone'.

Lakepaw seemed surprised and genuinely slightly hurt.

"I was just trying to help, don't you want to be friends?" asked Lakepaw gently.

Cherrypaw definitely didn't want to be friends with him, but she didn't say anything. She took the last bite off her prey. After saying thanks to StarClan for it's life, she buried the bones and fur. Lakepaw stood watching her.

After she was finished he said-

"Why don't we train together, I could teach you a move or two?" he purred softly. "I'm not saying you aren't good by the way, it's just that your quite small and uh.."

Cherrypaw turned away and rolled her eyes.

"Uh.. okay," she mewed.

"Yes! I got an answer from you!" she heard him whisper under his breath, clearly not wanting Cherrypaw to hear.

Cherrypaw rolled her eyes again, he was just teasing, he didn't really like her. And anyways, he couldn't be dating her and Marshpaw.

They set off, into the forest, by now, wind seemed to be everywhere, muddling the scent of Lakepaw, a quiet purr rumbled in Lakepaw's throat, making Cherrypaw feel quite warm.

"Alright, first, we can practice fighting, then I'll teach you a few things," he mewed seriously.

"Sure," whispered Cherrypaw under her breath.

"Oh and by the way, claws unsheathed, I can handle it," meowed Lakepaw.

Lakepaw pounced immediately, Cherrypaw waited until he was quite close and then slashed him and ran to the side.

"I was barely trying," Lakepaw purred, amusement sparking in his eyes.

Cherrypaw shrugged and got ready to pounce. When she did pounce, it was fast and well timed and Lakepaw hit the ground. Lakepaw tried battering her belly with his hind legs, but Cherrypaw jumped away in time and hid behind a tree. A surprise attack! She thought, I've not did one of those for a while. 

Lakepaw seemed quite confused for a moment before picking up her scent, Cherrypaw padded in the opposite direction of where he was heading and dug in her claws into his hind leg, before running off again.

Eventually, Lakepaw gave up and flopped to the ground. Cherrypaw smiled at him and sat down, her paws tucked under her and her white-tipped tail by her side.

"You were good," purred Lakepaw. "I'd say better than your sister! Even though I've seen her, battling ThunderClan."

Lakepaw padded over to Cherrypaw and sat beside her. Cherrypaw smiled and licked his ear, she was getting used to him, she trusted him now. Both WindClan cats curled up and fell asleep, side by side.

As the sun was just beginning to show underneath the trees, Cherrypaw awoke. She was confused for a moment, then she remembered she had fallen asleep with Lakepaw, deep in WindClan territory. Lakepaw was already awake, looking out at the rising sun, it was a wonderful sight.

Both cats padded back to camp together, each enjoying each others presence. Eventually, they reached the WindClan camp. Flamestar looked at the two cats thoughtfully before mewing something to Birchclaw.

Birchclaw glared at Lakepaw, his gaze moved from Lakepaw to Cherrypaw and softened. Lakepaw was looking slightly embarrassed, but very happy. 

Cherrypaw smiled at Marshpaw, who was sharing a hare with Honeypaw. Honeypaw said goodbye to Marshpaw and padded away quickly, seeing Cherrypaw there. Cherrypaw took her place, she was thinking about how funny Lakepaw had been. Marshpaw glared at her.

Cherrypaw tipped her head to one side and flicked her tail, that meant What's up? 

Marshpaw sighed. "I guess I have to get this over with," she mewed coldly.

"What?" asked Cherrypaw, confused.

"You like Lakepaw, and so do I!"

Cherrypaw was stunned for a moment, before anger welled up inside her, "Your jealous!" she growled.

"Am not!"

"Then why did you bring it up?" asked Cherrypaw, threateningly.

"Why are you talking to me like that? Are you angry?" hissed Marshpaw.

"Does it look like I'm angry?" hissed Cherrypaw, unsheathing her claws.

Marshpaw stared at her.

Cherrypaw slashed out her claw and drew it down Marshpaw's shoulder, not enough for it to start bleeding, and not enough for her to need to go to the medicine cats den, just enough for it to sting slightly.

Lakepaw watched in silence. Cherrypaw licked his ear and mewed, "I'm sorry you had to see that."

Lakepaw simply purred slightly and walked off with Cherrypaw.

Warrior Cats: The Legacy #1 - The Silver MoonWhere stories live. Discover now