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The next practice isn’t for another week and Adam rejoices. He still has work but as long as he doesn’t have to share air so close to Austin, he doesn’t care. And anyway, he enjoys working in a florist.

Or, more accurately, because they have nearly no customers, he enjoys messing around with Jenika and Chance on a near day to day basis. It's never boring, but always calm. Except for moments like these.

To the outside world, it probably sounds like a party; music raised louder, raucous laughter that seems endless to the passerby. It’s really not; it’s just them bouncing around giggling like they're six year olds at a birthday party. It’s fun. It’s freeing. Adam wouldn’t change it for the world. And anyway, its the pre-party type if party.

Jenika knocks back the least alcoholic drink in existence, smiling as Chance says something. He’s got a stoic expression, hands on his hips saying something bizarre but Adam's had a drink or two and he’s laughing so hard he doesn’t know what.

“Aren’t Avi and uh, what’s his name –“ Jenika's hand spins in the air as she tries to remember something and then, “ – Matt! Avi and Matt are supposed to be dropping by right about now aren't they?” Adam looks at the clock above the door.

He gives a weak shrug. “They should be, yeah.” But then again, Matt and Avi weren't exactly known for their time keeping, more so their inability to be quiet.

“What do you thinks keepin' 'em?” Chance waggles his brows exaggeratedly, grinning dirtily. Adam bursts out laughing, as does Jenika, doubled over and clutching stomachs.

“Oh my god, Chance,” she gets out breathlessly. She’s grinning widely, ear to ear. Chance rolls his eyes, smiling.

“You were thinking it too!” He says accusingly. The bells rings.

“Thinking what too?” Avi says, brow raised and hand still keeping the door open. A few seconds later, Matt stands behind him grinning at him. “No seriously, thinking what too?” Jenika eyes Chance out of the corner of her vision.

“Chance suggested what was keeping you two, was that you guys were fucking,” Avi snorts, but Matt looks bashful.

“Just because we don’t like you guys doesn’t mean we were screwing,” he retorts childishly, sticking his tongue out. Adam snorts, catching Avi’s attention, sticking his own tongue out.

“Now, now, children,” Chance mockingly says, smiling at the childish duo. Adam points at Avi.

“He started it!” Avi pulls an expression of faux hurt.

“Did you really just tell on me? I swear Rupp your not too tall that I can’t – “ Jenika hushes them.

“C’mon, best to get to get going now, while we’re not half way into whose fault it is,” she smirks. Adam pouts childishly arms crossed across his chest.

“Meanie,” he says looking at Jenika. She rolls her eyes.

“C’mon brat.”

Being locked away in a shop makes someone forget how hot a Georgian summer actually is; the skies blisteringly warm on skin, rushing air briefly cooling. The car feels excessively warm and Adam really just wants to be there already.

Jenika sits in shotgun, one arm out of the window rejoicing in the passing air. Chance drives, sunglasses slightly skewed on his face. Matt and Avi drive behind them, something about not wanting to leave the car outside the shop. Adam’s thankful they aren’t pressed up against him in the back of the car or the heat would burn through his skin.

The party that they’re actually heading to isn’t something of a grand nature; more or less a bunch of friends drinking and sleeping in the same house. Adam’s legs are thankful when they pull up at the house, tense and taut from being sat down.

“Thank god,” he mutters. Jenika smiles easily at him.

“Gonna be fun, huh?” she says. Adam sighs, somewhat tiredly.

“Gonna have to be,” he says.

Jenika shrugs her shoulders, “Who knows, maybe you’ll get to kiss a pretty boy.” Her grin is teasing, but Adam’s pulse still spikes. He glows crimson, dragging a hand exaggeratedly down his face.

She grins knowingly. “C’mon cowboy, lets see if we can find someone to kiss the daylights out o’ ya!” she drags him to the house, shouting “Hi!” as loud as she can, pulling him into the living area.

The couches have been pushed against the walls, making more space for the group that was expected to gather. In the centre, leaning casually on the couches are, Kevin, Kristin, Scott and Mitch; Adam presumed that they were still waiting on the others. Jenika sits by Kirstin, immediately jumping into conversation about something that Adam doesn’t particularly care. He himself is sat beside Kevin, the fellow beatboxer grinning at him.

“Who we waiting on?” Chance says, sitting beside Mitch, the smaller elbowing him in his side with a mischievous glint in his eyes. Avi and Matt walk in, Matt’s hand tucked into the back pocket of Avi’s jeans, Avi’s arm wrapped around his waist.

“Beside from the lovebirds,” Scott says, teasingly, “we still got Chris to come,” he looks at Adam who nods, “and he said something about inviting others.” All of a sudden, Adam knows his plans of avoiding Austin for a week have failed. He really hates his brother right now.

“Oh,” it comes out a bit strangled, a bit breathless but it doesn’t draw too much attention. Adam’s heat is in his throat and he really doesn’t want to be here anymore but that doesn’t matter because he is here. He breathes. His lungs are tight and too big all at once. He wants to curse Austin out.

There’s knocking on the door. Adam’s chest constricts a little. Mitch answers in, and he returns with the four people Adam was expecting to see. His attempts at breathing are weak, but he’ll make it through a night, right?


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