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They have nothing to do so they get into bed again, lazy like they usually are. This time though, they're buried under the covers, facing each other, alternating between looking at each other and closing their eyes. They rejoice in the land between awareness and sleep, where time is a rushing river.


Adam hums in response. Austin shuffles to be shoulder to shoulder with him, presumably looking up at the ceiling. He shifts again, this time the bed sinking a little more, telling Adam that Austin's leaning on his elbow.

"We haven't been on an actual date. Like, a meal out or anything," Austin muses, fingers soft and graceful as they trail over Adam's shoulder, down to his collar bones and up his throat. "I 'ought to be ashamed. My mama always taught me to court someone before bedding them." He traces down Adam's jawline and up to his lip, smiling when Adam does. "So, my darling Nebulae, where would you like to go?" he traces up Adam's nose and his eyebrow bones.

Adam's eyes flutter shut under his gentle ministrations, smiling. "I don't know, dearest Thunder, give me an option."

Austin clicks his tongue. "There's a barbecue place not far from here, or the Italian place just a little further." He pauses likely trying to think of other places, but it isn't necessary.

"Barbecue, easy." He grins widely, especially when he's jabbed in the side by Austin.

"Your easy." Austin notes.

"Well, I guess you like easy blonds then don't you?" Adam opens his eyes to find Austin leaning in closely.

"No. Only ones who are freaks of nature when it comes to anything to do with their mouths. And anything else." Adam's breath catches and he's tense, pulled tight with anxiety because he's onky ever associated bad things with that word but then Austin's kissing him.

His mouth is soft under Adam's but not yielding by any means and he licks Adam's lower lip but makes no move to lick into his mouth. Adam kisses back, however dazed he may be, at a loss at the lack of hatred or disdain in the word. Freak. He quite liked the sound of that from Austin's mouth. Adam feels like it's said with love or warmth, something that softens the usually rough edge of the word.

They pull away and settle back under the covers.

"When do you want to go that barbecue place?" Adam finds himself asking amongst everything else he could be.

Austin shifts and presses the tips of their noses together. "Later today," he yawns, "but now, we sleep."

Adam giggles, and even with his eyes closed Austin smiles.


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