14|If I Die Before I Wake

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They have another party a week later – it is getting close to summer and sometimes Adam forgets how social his friends are during summer. Social probably isn’t the right word, they don’t really meet any new people, at least none that they properly introduce into the group, but Adam isn’t sure what the word is for people who like to get drunk and laugh at god knows what. No seriously, most of them get so drunk that they don’t remember what they did the night before. It’s actually quite hilarious, Adam remembers, from the few instances where he himself was still sober.

And it looked a helluva lot like the party where they had to stay at Scott’s for the night, because between him, Chance and Jen? There’s no way either of them were getting in a car and driving. But to Adam it’s just a bit of an excuse to drink as much as he can. This party however wasn't the games kind, this was the music blaring kind, random music mixes seemingly shaking the building.

Adam nurses his beer from his place pressed against the wall, watching everything. It’s comedic. Scott and Mitch dance uncoordinatedly, limbs flailing and rhythm non-existent. Matt and Avi suck face, oddly  gentle in the midst of dancing chaos. Olena and Jenika are pressed together too, dancing much more fluidly to the song. Kirstin dances by herself, eyes closed and honestly, much better than either duo that’s dancing. Chris and Chance dance too but it’s not much compared, movement unconsciously done as they chat aimlessly. Austin, Tim and Rob are all stood talking, drinks in hand, the only three, beside Adam and presumably Kevin, that have yet to partake in the dancing.

All in all, from the wild dancing and the lack of self-consciousness, Adam would argue that most people here are so drunk, that god wouldn’t know what happened here tonight. It makes Adam smile, deviously. Ah, he’s gong to enjoy waking up to everyone hungover tomorrow, unable to function. And Adam supposes, the florists won’t be open tomorrow. Oops.

Kevin appears from the doorway, broad shoulders eclipsing the entry. He presses himself against Adam’s side comfortingly, and Adam notes his lack of alcoholic drink.

“Not tonight, huh?” Adam eyes him with mirth, a upward twitch of his lips.

Kevin smiles, knocking Adam's shoulder with his own. “Nah, I like my sobriety.”

Adam wrinkles his nose in mock arrogance. “Suit yourself.”

“Just because I’m not an idiot,” Kevin retorts, snorting.

“As you have to remind us,” Adam says, “ one or two thousand times.”

“I think to be that arrogant,” Kevin muses, leaning more into Adam’s side, “I’d have to be Scott after sleeping with Mitch.”

Adam tries his best not to laugh but he does and his body shakes with it, mouth tugged into a big teeth baring grin. Everybody else is drowned in their own worlds and Adam is drowning in his and Kevin’s and honestly? Adam loves the individual moments he gets with his friends. He turns back to the party and Kevin presses against his side in silence. Adam takes a gulp of his beer, finishing it off. He nudges Kevin, and pushes him lightly to move him so he can get to the kitchen to get another.

He pulls one out of refrigerator, hands clenching tightly momentarily at the sharp cold. He’s quick to open it and swallow some of it down, tongue flicking out to lick his lips, seemingly chasing the taste. He jumps up and sits on the counter, sighing at the feeling of his weight finally not all on his feet. He’s soon joined again by Kevin, who’s now wearing a mischievous grin.

“Have fun, don’t get into too much trouble,” he says and Adams brow furrows momentarily at his cryptic message, mouth opening to ask when he disappears.

“The fuck?” he mutters eyes focusing on the floor as he kicks his legs out childishly. He takes another swig of his drink, head tilting backwards, eyes closed. When he bring it back down again, his eyes open and he’s startled into swallowing by a far to casual Austin leaning in the door frame.

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