16. What's happening?

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July 6th, 2016

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July 6th, 2016

   Bucky and I walked through Bucharest farmers market. I was looking through the fruits, Bucky standing near the plums as he asked the owner about them. I was standing next him my hand in his. A tap on my side caused me to look over. There stood a little girl, I smiled at her letting go of Bucky. "You are very pretty." She said I knelt to her

   "So are you little one," I said tapping her nose she smiled widely at me. Her mother stood slightly back smiling at us. I stood up waving slightly at her as she mouthed a thank you grasping her daughters hand and walking away. I turned to Bucky smiling

   "You would be a wonderful Mother one day." I smiled kissing him. We finished buying the fruit and we're going to cross the street. The man running the newspaper stand stared at us intently. Bucky looked down at me giving me the same look. We waited for the cars to pass as we sped walked toward the stand. The man ran away from the stand in a rush. Bucky picks up the newspaper and reads the title. "Winter Soldier și Nemesis căutatpentru bombardmentul din Viena."

   I looked over to Bucky, his jaw set in a tight lock. I looked up confused. In our year here I still hadn't picked up that much of the language. "What's happening?" I asked Bucky. He didn't answer my question instead he spoke in a deeply angered tone.

   "We have to go." His anger radiated off of him as he grabbed my hand pulling me in the direction of our rundown apartment. We walked quickly and in silence as we made it up the stairs to our apartment. Bucky opened the door when we entered we saw Steve standing there going through one of Bucky's journals. Bucky kept his body in front of mine a protective manner. My hand pressed firmly on his bicep. We stood there staring at Steve as he spoke into his coms. He must've sensed the atmosphere in the room shift as he turned to look at us.

   Bucky's journal still gripped in his hand as he asked "Do you know me?" Bucky looked down at me before saying.

   "You're Steve, I read about you in a museum. You came to my wedding too..." Bucky trailed off. Steve looked dishearten hearing that. Though Bucky did know who he was. The nerves making me almost nauseous. I looked around the room, I twisted my ring around my finger.

   "I know you're nervous, and you have plenty of reason to be. But you're lying." I noticed his stance changing as it seemed he was waiting for something to happen. Steve took a step forward. The tension building thicker and I bit my cheek. I was glad to of worn sneakers today because something was about to go down.

   "We weren't in Viena, we don't do that anymore." My eyebrows furrowed, why would we be in Viena. I pulled back from Bucky looking out the window to see the area was clear. I froze, I turned to glare at Steve.

   "Well, the people who think you two do are on their way here now, and they aren't planning on taking you guys alive."

   "That's smart, good strategy." I glared at Bucky when he said that, footsteps on the roof could be heard.

   "This doesn't have to end in a fight." Steve spoke. I broke my silence for the first time since we entered the apartment.

   "It always ends in a fight." Bucky took off his glove to his metal arm. He gave me a look, I nodded.


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