17. Jump

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   "You pulled me from the river, why?" Steve asks I rolled my eyes, it wasn't the time or the place for that conversation

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   "You pulled me from the river, why?" Steve asks I rolled my eyes, it wasn't the time or the place for that conversation.

  "I don't know," Bucky answered seemingly annoyed

   "Yes, you do." I glared at Steve

   I moved to Bucky's side, Steve looks to the window. A canister comes flying through the glass. It lands in front of us, Bucky quickly kicks it to Steve, Steve uses his shield to cover it as it explodes. I could hear more soldiers outside of the yelling in what sounded like German. The door gets beat on. Bucky lifts the mattress laying on the floor and holds it on his back, covering us from the shots. The door continues the be beat in, Bucky throws the table into the nook where the door was. The other windows get shattered as people try to enter them. I mumble curses as I elbow in of the guys in the face.

   The other guy falls to the floor, as Steve had pulled the rug from under the man. All of his shots he fired towards Buck went through the ceiling. Bucky pulled the guy I elbowed and threw him into the wall opposite from us. I gave Bucky a look of annoyance before I turned my attention to the guys coming through the door. Steve grabbed the barrel of one of the weapons as Bucky kicks him out of the door, Steve grabs him trying to get him to stop."Buck, stop you are going to kill someone." Bucky looked at me as he hip threw him into the floorboards. He punched into the floor grabbing the 2 bags and throwing them out of the doorway and onto the next building

   "We aren't going to kill anyone." More men enter our tiny apartment. Me being closet I kicked the weapon from his hands then punched him in the face. More men shot at us, I ducked down to the floor as Steve and Bucky covered themselves. Bucky throws Steve toward the guy shooting, he rushed to me grabbing my arm, another man came through. Bucky held his metal hand out taking the shots to his palm as we walked. I snuck on the side of Bucky using my foot to kick his inner kneecap confusing him as Bucky grabbed the back of his neck smashing his head through my poor bookshelf.

   "These damn men ruining my shit," I mumbled, no one heard me, someone came up behind me, elbowing him in the face than turning to grip his neck and slam it into my kneecap. Bucky threw a cinderblock into one of the officer's chest causing his body to fly through the bathroom door. "Come on." I moaned I punched something in the face. Three shots echoed at the door hinges. Bucky punched his fist through the wall effectively hitting one of the officers. I ran with him out into the stairwell. He threw a man down as we exited the apartment.

   I punched someone. Bucky stood next to me knocking men down left and right as I worked to keep. Most of these men down. A man came down firing more shots Bucky punching him. He slams the man into the wall. He picks up battering ram using it to knock more men off the steps toward us. I punch a guy who gets close. More soldiers came up the steps. Bucky grabbed me by the waist and then jumped on the man who had come down bringing us closer to the soldiers. We started to kick and punch our way down. Steve jumps down near us, helping us keep the men at bay.

   I punched a guy close to Bucky who rammed him over the railing of the stairs. I punched someone in the face and they fell to the floor. I looked over at Steve to see him giving us a dirty look as he held the man from falling. I smiled at him and turned back stomping my foot into a man's chest. "Come on man." I hear Steve plead as Bucky elbows a man. I run down more steps getting close to Bucky, he grips my waist once more as he breaks the railing and we fall down near a door, Bucky uses his feet to kick the door open and a man down. We continue to fight our way through the men getting closer to our exit. A man aims his gun to shot at me but Steve throws his shield knocking the guy out. Bucky grabs my arms putting them around his neck. I jump onto his back and he jumps down the stairwell he uses his metal arm to grip the railing his other hand firmly under my thigh.

   Bucky lets out a yell as the railing bends in his hand. His hand moves as he uses it to pull us up. I tighten my legs around his hips. When we land on solid ground I let go of his back and we run for the exit. Bucky speaks a barely audible "Jump!" We both jumped I prayed that I would make it. I landed on the ground with a roll. I grunt I could feel my skin scrapping. I grab my bag putting it on my back. Bucky slows when he sees my arms bleeding

   "Go," I spoke and we started sprinting. The shadow of a man appearing, my eyes widen as I turn to see a man dressed in a full cat outfit. "This day just keeps getting better and better," I complained under my breath in annoyance. The cat man kicks Bucky causing him to fall into me and us to roll. We stand quickly, the man had claws. He started aiming kicks and punches at us. We dodged them hastily. The man lands a kick into Bucky's cheek causing him to fly back into the metal air-conditioner box. He swipes his claws, they catch my cheek. I let out a grunt of pain as I could feel the sweat coating my face drip into the wound. I retaliate with a roundhouse kick, though missing.

   "Come on kitty, we really don't have time for this," I said as he aimed more punches and I blocked them. Cat man punched me in the nose, I stumbled back he then kicked my knees out from under me. I landed on my knees. I let out a sigh of exhaustion. Bucky came back. He grabbed the cat mans body they started to roll. I stood from my kneeling position. Bucky held a metal rod blocking kitty's hit. It broke in half, kitty then tried to use his claws on Bucky's face but Bucky held his hand. I rushed up kicked my leg up into his head. Shots were fired from a helicopter. Kitty's attention wavered as he looked at the helicopter. I used this to kick him again and Bucky did also cause the man to fly. I looked at Bucky as we started running jumping from the building. Bucky paused looking up at the ledge. Kitty started to slide down. I looked at Bucky and he grabbed my arms holding me as he made the 10ft drop. We then started to run.

   The helicopter came back shooting at us. I hissed when I felt a bullet graze my arm. Bucky heard me but I gave him a look and we kept running. We jumped down into the busy plaza. We took off running. Kitty also jumping but Steve landing in front of him. I tried to keep up but I had only so much momentum. I was slowing from behind Buck. I could hear the sirens erupt from behind us. I ran on the sides of cars as Bucky ran on top. Bucky looked at me as police cars pulled in front of us. I gave him a panicked look as we took off on the opposite road. A guy with a motorcycle came toward us. Bucky ripped the bike from under him. I ran trying to keep up. Buck reached his hand out, I caught it, though just barely, he pulled me from the ground onto the back of the bike. I looped my arms around his waist as I took this moment to breathe in deep.

   Kitty decided to make an appearance. Bucky catching him by the throat as he drove. He pulled us down, Bucky used his hand to keep us up as I kicked the man causing him to go flying. Bucky pushed us up and we went flying down the road once more. "You have got to be kidding me with this bloody cat," I mumbled I opened Bucky's bag grabbed a bomb-throwing it up at the top of the highway. It exploded but Kitty came from the rubble catching the wheel and we fell off the bike. I screamed as we fell, my body rolling on the cement. I groaned in pain, the cat stood over Bucky, I groaned pushing myself from the ground. Steve grabbed the man by the waist pushing him from Bucky. Before anything more could happen the police arrive.

   The men force us on the floor. My body was harshly pushed. I didn't have the energy to fight back as they placed a pair of cuffs around my wrists. A collar was placed around my neck as I fought. I screamed when the first shock came. The pain slowly dissipated and they started pushing us into a van.

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