Chapter 5.

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It was Rebecca standing at the door. She was the next person to be interviewed. Her beautiful curly hair with her gorgeous blue-green eyes and a bright cheerful smile would make any man grin.

"Good Afternoon!" She said showing her pearly whites.

"Hey, how you doin?" August said opening the door wider so she could come inside.

"I am doing well. A little nervous for this interview" She said laughing a little.

August laughed, "There's nothing to be nervous about. I'm August. Thank you for taking time out f your day to interview."

They walked to the living room.

"This interview is not a formal one at all. I basically just want ta get to know you and see if you are a good match for this position."

Sheila came out the kitchen with a glass of water smiling when she saw Rebecca.

Rebecca came dressed in business attire with her resume in hand. Her beauty impressed August's mama as well. Not a requirement, just a plus in her mind. "Hello, my name is Sheila." Shaking Rebecca's hand.

"I'm Rebecca Newman. My mother told me about you. She is in your floral shop all the time. Her name is Jessica Newman." She said in her upbeat voice.

"Oh Mrs. Newman is a lovely lady. Tell her I said hello. I am already excited to get to know you being that you are her daughter."

She looked at her son as he continued to stare at Rebecca grinning ear to ear.

Finally August snapped back to reality, "Well have a seat. I don't want to take up the rest of your day."

Rebecca laughed, "Oh, I'm in no hurry."

"Okay, well first let me ask, do you have any experience with kids?" August said.

"Honestly, I do not. I just graduated from Hampton University. The closest I've come with children is going to my friends house and seeing her son," Becca nervously laughed.

"Okay, okay." He said looking down at his list of questions and decided to skip a bunch of them. "What made you want to come out for the position?" August said.

"I'm a very honest person so I'll tell you that my mother and sister talked me into coming out to interview. At first, I felt with my inexperience with children that it would be silly for me to interview. However, I really need this position and this may be a good opportunity to explore a new career aspect that I normally would never pay attention too." Becca replied with confidence. "Also, I have worked throughout college with the same company, so it shows my loyalty and dedication to my job."

August and his mother liked her response. She was straight to the point and very honest. They asked her a few more questions and by the end of the interview they were ready to hire her.

"Well, I think I can speak for myself and my mom when I say that we like you a lot. I think my daughter would like you also. My only other questions would be when can you start," August said smiling showing his dimples.

"I can start Monday." Becca said with excitement.

"Great! Well I'm gonna wake my daughter Kimberly and introduce her to you." August said getting up from his seat. "Ma, do me a favor and call the rest of the crazies from your list and let' em know the position has been filled," August said while smiling at Rebecca.

August went upstairs to Kimberly's room, "Kimberly, get up babygirl I have someone I want you to meet."

"But Daaaddy I just fell asleep," Kimberly said whining. "And I don't want to meet anymore scary people."

August laughed, "I promise you will like this person. Come on and just meet her for a minute."

"Okay Daddy." Kimberly reached her arms out to be picked up.

August looked at her and laughed, "So you want me to carry you like a baby? I thought you were my big girl?"

"I am still your big girl. I just don't feel like walking." Kimberly said giggling.

"Anything for my princess, I guess" August said bowing down to her.

He picked her up to go downstairs to meet Becca.

"Kimberly say hi to Ms. Rebecca. She will be taking care of you when Daddy is at work." August said putting her down.

Kimberly shyly said hello from behind August's legs. Rebecca bent down to talk to Kimberly.

"Hello pretty girl. How are you?" Becca peaked around August. "I love your dress."

"Thank you. I picked it out all by myself," Kimberly said proudly. "You want to see my play room?"

"I would love to see your play room." Becca said standing back up.

Kimberly reached out for Rebecca's hand and took her to her playroom. August and his Mama followed slowly behind talking.

"She seems like I could trust her around Kimberly. I think she has a good head on her shoulders. I'm catching good vibes from her," August said.

"And she is a cutie, August," his mom said looking at him.

"Ma, stop. For one, she is too damn fine to be single and two, I'm focused on my shi-- I mean stuff goin on with my business to be involved with someone and lastly....she about to be Kimberly's sitter."

"Okay, Okay LORD! I was just saying," his mother said,
laughing. "Ain't no need to get in your feelings boy."

August's mom decided to leave since she had to close the floral shop. Rebecca played with Kimberly for a while. Kimberly introduced her to all her doll babies and she even had pretend tea with her.

A little while later August gave the tour of the house. He showed her everywhere including the guest suite, which would be Rebecca's room if it were ever required for her to stay the night.

"Wow! Your house is beautiful!" Becca said admiring some of the artwork on the walls.

"Thank you. I'm blessed with a great business." August said, also gazing towards the artwork like Rebecca.

Rebecca was so amazed, "Your mother must have helped you decorate this house."

August's smile faded a little and he looked down to the ground, "Well nah. My fiancé spent her pregnancy decorating this house. We bought this place around the time we found out she was carrying my babygirl."

"Oh, I'm so sorry Mr. Alsina" Rebecca said. She was kicking herself in her mind for even saying anything.

Then he brought his smile back, "Don't be sorry its okay. She was able to see her work before she passed away. Also, call me August.

Rebecca laughed, "Okay, August.

"How about we go get ice cream or something. We can discuss schedules and any questions you have for me,"

They made there way back to Kimberly's play room.

"Sounds great! I will get Kimberly ready to go," she said, as she was about to walk over to Kimberly.

"You ain't gotta do that! You don't even start until Monday," August said

"Well, since we both are new to the whole babysitting thing and I have no experience with it. How about we just go with the flow. Plus I don't mind getting her dressed. She's a sweet girl; that is rare for me to say," she laughed.

He laughed and went to the living room waiting for the girls. While he was sitting there, his mind started to wander. He thought about how gorgeous Rebecca was and how she so much reminded him of Sabrina. He smiled to himself thinking about her.

"Sabrina, I hope you proud of me baby," he said looking at the mantle with her picture on it.

Eventually Rebecca and Kimberly came down and they headed out to get some ice cream.



Edited 8/2019

The Babysitter (August Alsina Story) -Book 1- Revised 2019Where stories live. Discover now