chapter 22

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Emily POV:
"Oh...yeah, I-its okay we'll just see each other after school anyways right?" I said and he looked at me.

"Of course, I have to take you home" he said with a small smile and so I fake a big smile to show him I'm okay.

"Okay, then I'll see ya when school is over" I said as I turn the corner and wave. He waved back and sigh "okay..." He calmly said and I turn away from him.

But suddenly I feel a hand grab my right wrist and pulled me to turn around so quick. It was so quick that my face got buried into a guys chest!

"I don't want you to feel like I'm acting or embarrassed to be around you...I just want to protect is all" Jiyong softly said as he hold me tight. As I was about to hug him back he quickly let go and put his hands on my shoulder.

I looked up to him with sadness and confusion, but all he did was give me a some what worried or sad smile. He looked away and notice a group of girls walking down the hallway gossiping.

"I'll see you after school" he quietly said and Top cane walking by as Jiyong walked away from me. I turned to look at Jiyong walking off with Top and not looking back at all.

I was happy and enjoyed the moment we had in the library but now we're back to reality and it's hurting me inside.

I would never thought I would fall in love with a vampire or even on of the popular guys in our school.

I just hope his love is the same as mines...

[writers block] be continued

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 19, 2018 ⏰

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