19: Complications, again

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19: Complications, again


            I was looking at Emily from across the lunch table, but I was somewhere else altogether. I was in Ian's truck this morning, before we got out. I was thinking of him, feeling so high for some reason. And I hadn't smoked anything. Grinning, dreamily.

            "I'll see you in the classroom," he had said. "I've got to go find and put up with Jena."

            "You got to break up with her," I reminded.

            "Yeah, I know," he replied, smirking. "Easy said than done with her…"

            I laughed, staring out of the windshield. There was no one around.



            "Lower your head."


            "Just do it."

            "Alright," he said sighing.

            He stooped, and lowering myself, I lunged for a kiss. Ian stopped me, his face hardening. "No, Jesse—not at school, remember? We agreed—"

            "Worried someone will see?" I egged him on.

            Ian grimaced, huffing a little—then he smiled. "Okay, fine, you win Jesse. Just one."

            He leaned in, closer, our lips touching, the softness—

            "Jesse! Hello!?" I heard someone almost shout; I shook my head, snapping out of it. Blinking, I realized it was still Emily. Ugh.

"Sorry, Em," I said, "just thinking…"

            "I swear sometimes, I feel like I'm talking to myself more than anything…," she mumbled off, looking away. I took this chance to glance at Ian, a few tables away, sitting across from Jena, gloating. Neither one of them were talking to each other. She looked pissed off. I wanted to snicker. I felt awful in doing so though. They didn't kiss when they met in the parking lot, an awkward hug, more of Ian's doing, and a few words here and there, but there was a crack now in their relationship.

            "But anyways, Jesse," Emily went on, a little more happily this time; I turned back to her, raising my brow. "I got a favor to ask you…"


            "Do you mind if I ride with you and Ian, home?"

            I shook my head, confused. "Wait, what?" Ian didn't have football practice today, since it was Thursday, and we were just going to go to his place, and chill together. Now Emily?

            "I know it's a lot to ask, and everything—it's just I have no other way home—"

            "The bus?"

            She didn't say anything, just looked so downcast. Amy would have said something if she was here; probably had taken Emily's side. It was the last thing I wanted to do. And Lavender hardly ever spoke at all; I took it she didn't like me. But Emily had reassured me she was just shy, and didn't like to talk much. I didn't mind that bit. Emily knew I wasn't going to ride the bus today, I had just told her, well before we started eating.

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