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9th March

Emotion causes weakness, and the girl on the phone screen was inciting his weakness.

He couldn't allow that.

A severe frown crossed his face while he stared unrelentingly on the screen. Sensing the illegitimacy of the demand, his jaws clenched visibly.

If a human could represent the purest form of art, the girl in the picture was exactly so. Her beautiful doe-like eyes, creamy skin, pert soft lips... were undoubtedly screaming nothing but innocent beauty. Although, there was a blend of sadness in those eyes, yet none could deny that they were the best pair representing a pure form of life.

He couldn't understand exactly what she had to do with this ferocious man sitting in front of him.

The other person in the room cleared his throat and said calmly, "You must realize this before we proceed with our deal, that it is completely reasonable for me to ask something in return. Besides, I don't want unwanted attention toward me and my men just yet. I have other commitments right now. So, I need someone else, someone less suspicious, to do it for me. You seem perfect. You do it for me and I'll present the papers that you need. A perfect businessman's deal."

The former glanced up and looked dead into the latter's eyes.

The latter added deliberately without taking off his eyes, "Do you agree?"

Even though their business meeting tended toward a more sensitive issue, the former couldn't disagree with this elder man. As his own motive was also demanding his consent.

He had to find her to save thousand other lives.

He glanced at the phone screen one last time before throwing his resolute stare back at the man sitting in front of him. The single syllable of agreement left his mouth shortly, which he didn't yet know, would turn his entire world upside-down in the time to come.



What my star readers have to say about this story:

"Sorry, I am late to the party but I loved loved loved the story. It was super charged and had sensitive trigger. The book is a fantastic read and so easy to engage with:)) Thoroughly enjoyed and would highly recommend it!"

"It's not a good morning for me. I was so hooked last night that I ended up reading your book until 3 am! I had to force myself to stop. I just finished your book. But your book is really amazing. And the first time I ever liked a female character in a romance thriller. And seriously, it was so emotional. I cried many times."

"I really want you to believe that you have justified the story, characters with the hints of spirituality amazingly. I loved everything about your book. Generally, books on such sensitive topics are not often done justice but you nailed it! Thank you so much for your hard work for completing and sharing such a great book! I hope you and your books receive the true fame it deserves! I'd definitely read the second book soon. Have great days ahead!"

"Loved the story and the writing. I took a long time to read this book due to timing constraints but every time I read the book, the story sucked me right in. It is the kind of emotional story I love. Survival against abuse is something that resonates deep within me and I absolutely love how the characters real struggles are portrayed in this book. If you are a girl you will relate with Priyasha and her emotional and mental struggles. Not going to talk much about the love part that you need to find out by yourself, it's very subtly sexy and deeply romantic. Will make your heart a little heavy in parts of the book, and make you smile in others. Will definitely recommend!"

"Hello, just dropping to say that your writing is just chef's kiss✩ I really loved your spiritual and psychological snippets in the book sooo much♡♡♡"

"Yes, I will definitely come back for the sequel. You are an amazing writer. I like your style of writing. You have put your heart and soul into it. I read Bhagavad Gita. It has helped me a lot in my difficult times. It has given me Courage, Confidence and Calmness to face life with Equanimity. I am very happy that you wrote the teachings of lord Krishna from Bhagavad Gita and gave an insight as to how to deal with the challenges life throws at us. Having said that, I would like to thank you for giving us such a Wonderful, Awesome, Heartwarming, Lovely and a Remarkable story with Lots of Suspense. I loved it. I love to read Romantic Suspense stories very much. I hope you will write such stories more. Eagerly waiting for the sequel."

"All those lines make me think that you are one psychology or philosophy student. How do you write such impactful lines? Writing a story about a rape victim is the hardest thing, describing their feelings and thoughts at every moment. You excel writing. I have seen many authors writing about rape victims in which they end up with the same in end, which is not only giving a wrong message but disgusting as well. Finally, I am happy to find one good story having a great plot and best description."

"Amazing book completely worth it. It was well written intriguing. You are amazing writer looking forward to your other exciting writing. Keep going. I read it couple of times already. Thank you."

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