Chapter 17- Snatchers

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Continuously driving away the thought of Vishwa's arrival in the city and simultaneously failing, Priyasha acknowledged the tightness in her chest since morning. It'd be a downright lie if she denied she didn't overthink the consequences of the judgement of her case. Despite the adjudication that went against Romeo, she had always been aware of the criminal gang that stood behind him and the fact that they would never spare her an ordinary life. As much as Vishwa loved his brother, his brother was an essential pawn in the walks of his life. He would never compromise Romeo's life taking their blood-relation into account. Vishwa knew about his brother's obsession with her. Romeo wanted nothing but full domination over Priyasha since the beginning. So, Vishwa made himself very clear to Priyasha in this matter, and now that he knew her whereabouts, he surely would come after her.

Throughout the day, thoughts relating Vishwa and Romeo remained clouded in her mind that the disturbing what-ifs and all the negatives left her weary at the end of the day.

Abhiraj did not bother her after their morning argument. But when he went out around 2 p.m. with an extremely intense countenance, she reckoned, he was going to conduct a very serious business, especially now that he had let down Vishwa.

It appeared odd that nowadays, even in her privacy, she needed someone's presence near her, and inevitably she realized it was not just anyone, she wanted Abhiraj's company. A sense of fear returned to her every time whenever he parted from her and an emptiness crept into her heart. Controversially, she felt safer in his presence. It didn't take long for her to identify the feeling which wasn't any more confusing. She was growing attachment toward him even after being aware of the fact that she knew very little of him.

Around 11:30 p.m. her turbulent thoughts somehow made peace with her when Abhiraj returned, dead-exhausted. The top two buttons of his shirt were undone. His vest peeking out from inside, both of the sleeves rolled up to his elbows, the hem of his shirt was free from his trousers grip. A brown packet was in his hand, he came inside and straight went to his room. Not a single word was exchanged as she had expected to the least. He didn't even acknowledge her; she was waiting for him in the living room. Abhiraj's avoidance obviously hurt her sentiment that she ran to her room immediately and locked the door with a thud.

Her sulking abated right away when Vikash's sudden call renewed her panic mode she had been trying to put off. Kaushik's gradually worsening health after the recent fit attack made his condition more serious. He had been admitted to the hospital and as per doctors report, the next 36 hours were very critical.

Vikash's voice slightly wavered when he said, "Chini, if you can, come here as soon as possible," which certainly meant the condition was much worse than she had expected. Priyasha obviously agreed and hung up the call.

She pondered for a moment then went to Abhiraj's room. Having no idea what he was doing inside, she knocked on the door twice than one more time. It was already 11:45 p.m. and she didn't have a clue if she could still avail reservation on the overnight bus to Asansol.

A moment later the door swung opened and Abhiraj stood there in the same clothes he was wearing before. He scrunched together his eyebrows when he noticed Priyasha's eyes were glistening with tears, threatening to roll down her cheeks any moment.

"What happened?" He asked, instantly worried.

"Papa is hospitalized. I need your help." Priyasha choked out as the tears streamed down her face.

"Come inside." Abhiraj stepped back, allowing her to move through the doorway, to his pale yellow-colored room.

Priyasha entered, her head hung low, and took a seat on a corner of his bed.

He crossed the room toward the small corner-desk cum bookcase and took the bottle of water in his hand. "When did that happen?"

"Dadabhai called me just now. He said around afternoon they admitted him to the hospital."

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