Chapter 12- Uninvited Kiss

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Author's Note: Yup! The song above perfectly explains their relationship. Those who are Indians will understand the language. Please ignore the content (Yeah, I know, that's Salman Khan and Kareena, :D), but I wanted you to focus on the lyrics, which perfectly fits this chapter.

We'll again meet next Sunday, until then enjoy the story. :)) Comment below and don't forget to Vote. :))


Sometimes, all you need is one little decision to finally embrace your heart's desire. Your dreams are precious. But without the peace of mind, you cannot approach your dreams. Peer pressure can be exhausting. It has the potential to mess with your intelligence. It might leave you confused to make a decision that can actually be the best choice for you.

Until unless your heart and intelligence are at peace together, things will never work out as they should. It is entirely based on that little decision you make that cancels out the noise from outside.

It all depends on your decision.


Abhiraj stepped aside letting the woman enter. "Zinnia, what are you doing here?" he warily asked. Clearly, he wasn't amused by her sudden appearance. His voice was tight, telling he wasn't at all expecting the person whoever she was, at this moment or at this place.

Priyasha eyed the girl. She was probably in her mid-twenties and absolutely breathtakingly beautiful. Slim, tall and most amazingly with her heels on, she was matching Abhiraj's height just perfect. Priyasha's eyes darted toward Abhiraj then settled back on her.

Were they... a couple?

A queasy feeling suddenly sank down in her heart which wasn't at all reasonable. As she watched them, she realized, this feeling could add to her nightmare. She never wanted to witness someone's personal conversation, and she hated to admit, she wasn't liking seeing them together. She remembered where she had seen her before, in their office cafeteria. Although at that time she barely paid attention to her, she definitely meant something to Abhiraj.

Priyasha's hand closed around her phone tightly as her eyes locked on Zinnia.

Meanwhile, Zinnia pouted then batted her long eyelashes at Abhiraj, completely ignoring Priyasha's presence. "Roy, it's been four days since you showed up. I was missing you so much and couldn't stop myself from coming over here." She smiled gorgeously at him before her eyes darted away from him and fixated on Priyasha.

"Oh!" Zinnia looked surprised at first then her expression changed to more cordial. "Hi!" She waved at Priyasha. Priyasha exchanged a quick glance with Abhiraj, which provided no bit of information, before replying to her. "Hello."

"Roy, wouldn't you introduce us?" She tilted her head, pretending to be lively and convivial. "Who is she?"

Priyasha shrugged and muttered inaudibly, "Nobody, I guess."


"She's Priyasha, my paying guest," Abhiraj answered.

"Oh! Nice to meet you, Priyasha."

"Same here." Priyasha faked a smile, not wanting to make a questionable impression on her. She looked at Abhiraj then back at her. He never mentioned about her, and why would he anyway? It wasn't like they were friends or something. It wasn't like they had been getting along well. It wasn't like he would be bothered about this trivial revelation anyway! Argh, there was no reason after all. Priyasha groaned inwardly then dismissed her thought forcibly.

A frown crept up on his face as he said, "She's Zinnia, my..." and trailed off uncomfortably.

"His girlfriend." Zinnia completed his sentence earning a grimace from him.

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