Chapter 15- I Know

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The interview went as usual. Priyasha had to keep the same monotonous, professional tone throughout. Although they didn't immediately confirm her employment, she knew she'd bag the job. There was no doubt on that.

Later that evening when she was preparing a report of her current project, she received a call from an unknown number. Even the user detecting app didn't show the name of the caller. She hesitated at first, fearing the probability of it being Vishwa or his men. But then she picked up the call and found out it was Jai.

"Where are you?" She exclaimed after learning it was him.

He chuckled at her worried and eager inquiry. "At work of course. Did you miss me?"

She smiled, "I did. Where did you get my number by the way?"

"I asked Roy Sir to give me your number."

"Oh!" She paused then asked, "When will this work of yours get over?"

He hesitated for a moment before responding, "Soon. But I can't go to Kolkata after this. I have to go to my home. Riya's getting married. I have to be present there."

"Wow Jai, that's a great news. I wish her a happy married life. Sure, you must be there with your sisters and mother. It is just... I'm missing you here. You're the only familiar person whom I know around this compound."

He assured immediately. "Don't worry Di, I'll be there in three-four days, until then just be careful of Mrs. Sethi and Mrs. Biswas," he said and laughed aloud. "You have your first meeting with the women's association tomorrow. You remember that right?"

She huffed rolling her eyes. "What will I do there? To be honest It doesn't seem very exciting or interesting as it did in the beginning. And what do you mean by be careful of Mrs. Sethi and Mrs. Biswas?"

He chuckled, clearly amused by her question. "You'll know. Besides, just be normal. As far as I know, eighty percent of the meeting will be on gossip, rest will cling to the usual planning of the festival and then some snacks and drinks and it'll be over in more or less three hours."

"What?" She squealed on the phone. "I have to tolerate all of that for three hours? Tell me that was a joke."

"It certainly wasn't." Jai was trying hard to refrain himself from laughing, but clearly, he failed at that. It annoyed her even more.

She sighed. "Fine. I'll manage. You take care and come back soon. Don't forget another sister of yours is waiting for you here."

"Di!" His voice went all mushy suddenly.

"Yeah right. Now go, let me work."

"Yes... yes. Bye Di."

"Bye Jai." She hung up the call and smiled looking down at the phone screen. She was truly missing Jai and... her parents. Her smile turned into sadness as she dropped the phone beside her and plopped down on the bed.

Great! Her life was going great! Even she couldn't contact her parents because of Vishwa's threat. A groan of frustration left her as she rolled on her chest and buried her face into the pillow. It smelled of vanilla.


The same night,

Sweat dribbled down her forehead as she jumped awoke from her nightmare, gasping strenuously. Over and over, it reminded her she wasn't clean anymore. She bore the monster's marks on her skin. It tingled as she touched the side of her left breast. It was horrible. She still remembered how it felt when the hot knife touched her skin.

Priyasha closed her eyes as a rugged breath left her nostrils.

She needed air. Fresh air.

After getting off the bed she wrapped a stole around her, then took off down the hallway and reached the front door. The cringey opening creak of the door made her stiffen. She felt anxious contemplating whether anyone heard the noise of her sneaking out. However, she saw none when she peeped outside. She cautiously exited the apartment and descended the stairs quietly.

The Velvet Healer (The Roys, #1) ✔Where stories live. Discover now