Chapter 8- More to You

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Almost fifteen minutes had passed since they arrived. Priyasha was both disgusted and exhausted to even start their anticipated 'talk' and neither of them wanted to be the first one to break the silence. Reclining on the sofa she continued staring between Abhiraj and her hands on her lap. Abhiraj was standing beside the computer table leaning on the wall by one of his shoulders, his arms folded against his chest. The deep scowl on his face stirred a legitimate dissatisfaction in her mind. She couldn't understand what was so extraordinary about him that his arrogance never touched the ground. Eventually, the uncomfortableness of the room faded away as she could no longer endure the stinging silence.

"Don't remain quiet like that for God's sake!"

Abhiraj sighed, then blurted out, "She is a part of our mission against Permabell Industries Limited."

Permabell Industries!? Wasn't the company engaged in controversial issues a few months back?

Priyasha gazed at Abhiraj inquisitively. He suddenly straightened, walked across the room toward the window and slid aside the curtains to overlook whatever it was that had caught his attention. Things were getting complicated and it was easily perceptible. In spite of this, she wasn't particularly afraid of the person in front of her. In fact, she felt curious of his background. This was strange, and she never felt this kind of feelings before. She had a secret. He seemed to have a bigger one. On a second thought, she found herself pondering on the rationales for which she could trust this man in front of her.

"Permabell?" She anchored her attention on his back. "I don't understand."

"You can ask Google."

"I am asking you, tell me."

He put a hand on the window glass, another into his trousers pocket. "Thousands are suffering out there for a wrong decision taken by an arrogant man with a heart of stone. I have no other way to help them than this. Even if it means incriminating myself, I'll still pursue this my way." He paused and turned around. "They are closing the factory only for political and personal interests. A suicidal massacre might break out among the workers if this closedown doesn't stop immediately, and only one person I'm acquainted with can help solve this issue."

Priyasha sensed a serious scandal behind the veils of this infamous business world.

Abhiraj continued, "And somehow, he's in search of this girl who's hiding here in the city. He only applied the businessman's policy to deal with this situation. He wants me to find her and in return, he will get me the papers I need against Permabell."

"But why are you taking the personal interest in these controversies?"

"Because someone has to."

After which she instinctively felt not to question anymore.

After a longer pause, Abhiraj asked, "Now that you have your curiosity satiated, may we have our dinner... together?"

She blinked at him then nodded her agreement tentatively. He crossed the distance between them, and stood behind the couch she was sitting on. Placing his hands on the back of the couch, he raised his eyes and looked at her. Their eyes locked.

True, it is up to you to decide what is best for you - whom you want in your life, with whom you feel at home and for whom you bring out your best. However, reality is quirky. You always want something, which is difficult for you to have. The only way to cope with that is trusting your intuition.

If you remain scared of letting go of your past, then you're missing out on what's waiting for you in the future. If you keep searching for your happiness in the ruins, then it's the biggest abuse you have ever done to your soul. Your soul is in need of light, and by choosing the past, you keep shoving it toward the darkness.

The Velvet Healer (The Roys, #1) ✔Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu