Chapter 22 - Trust Issues

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Author's Note: Follow me on instagram. My username - krishvipriya.

And... did I say, this chapter is my favorite one?


He cannot be trusted.

Only words that plagued her mind right now were, Abhiraj Roy cannot be trusted.

Priyasha turned over the pages of the magazine and frowned. How irrational had she been in these past few days about her feelings toward the man... who was none other than evil personified!

She stole a few wry glances at her mother who was now talking cheerily about all the irrelevant stuff with Upasana and Abhiraj. Priyasha was sitting alone separately to avoid talking.

After returning from hospital, Maya and Vikash helped Kaushik freshen up and change. Then he ate some liquid food and took the medicine and now was sleeping in his room. So, the rest of the family had gathered in the living room, except Vikash. He went out immediately after Kaushik fell asleep to buy the medicines the doctor had prescribed at the time of discharge. Vijay left soon after they settled down Kaushik on his bed and he exchanged some quick reassuring words with Kaushik. Astonishingly, Vijay and Abhiraj prevented themselves from talking with each other and pretended they didn't know each other.

Abhiraj passed on a quick glance at her then went back to answer Maya's questions.

She frowned then looked down at the magazine. She couldn't really tell how much she had read and understood from it. The words seemed vague compared to the pandemonium of her mind. She shifted her attention again to her family as the worry settled in her gut. None of her family members knew how dangerous this man, sitting in front of them, was!

Tiyu was playing on the floor sitting in front of Abhiraj. He had already bribed the toddler with a chocolate bar and Tiyu instantly jumped up on his lap, shouting, "Thankiu Abiaaj uncle!"

She rolled her eyes, scowling. What was wrong with all the women in the house? Everyone was delighted to meet the evil... except her.

She scoffed.

At one point, Maya stood up and asked Abhiraj, "Abhiraj, would you mind having a few words with me, in private?"

Abhiraj's eyes immediately darted toward Priyasha, unnerving her even more. His pursed lips twitched noticing her uneasiness. She looked between her mother and Abhiraj horror-stricken, palpitating about what private words her mother was intending to have with him. She absolutely wasn't pleased with Maya's intention of whatever she was planning to do. It rather scared her. Abhiraj on the other hand, as expected, put down his teacup on the table and stood up. "Sure."

It would have been her foolishness to believe, he would let go of such an opportunity. Then also, not only him, Maya was also helping him conspire against her. What was wrong with her mother? She groaned.

"Please come with me." Maya smiled at him then walked toward her room, Abhiraj following her close behind. She panicked. What could be this private conversation between her mother and him? She would only hope Maya wouldn't disclose anything stupid regarding her past. It would only lead to mishap, and she couldn't afford that. Not now and she doubted, she could ever.

Sweat broke out on her forehead while her hands trembled, turning cold. She shivered expecting the possibility of her ruin. The thought alone suffocated her, and she felt the need of open air, immediately.

In an attempt to escape the small tremors of dread running through her, she sprang on her feet hastily and ran toward the door.

Upasana called out behind her. "Where are you going, Chini?"

The Velvet Healer (The Roys, #1) ✔Where stories live. Discover now