Chapter 5 - Rainforest

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Around 6, before the closing of office hours, Abhiraj came to discuss the project, but ended up asking her out on a casual dinner. She had no reason to deny because the place he mentioned wasn't far away from their society.


Priyasha tried to concentrate on what Abhiraj was saying to the waiter. But she was having a difficult time wrapping her head around her fast-paced life. Everything was happening too fast, and she feared, if this continued like this, she'd eventually start questioning her sanity.

She looked around the place and her eyes focused on the family sitting beside their table. She had always wished to have her own family one day. But, considering her past, it might never get fulfilled.

Life throws its puzzles at you unexpectedly. If you can resolve them unmoved, you can win the battle easily. On the other hand, the lies lying around might make you question your sanity.

She blinked, averted her gaze just to meet those intimidating eyes once again. Despite looking daunting, they somehow reminded her of galaxies. An exotic contradiction.

Something shifted inside her.

Abhiraj looked away and poured some water on the glasses then sipped some from one of it. Priyasha's gaze shifted to his bandaged knuckles and her chest tightened for some unknown reason.

"How is your wound?"

"Healing," he answered, then leaned forward and put his elbows on the table. His eyes found their way up to her face once more. She looked away avoiding the unrelenting gaze which was able to bring that unknown sensation in her heart.

After some uncomfortable silence, he broke it. "You can accompany me to the office and back home from now on."

The sudden request had taken her back. She shifted her gaze and looked directly into his eyes.

No one can hide their true feelings in their eyes.

Maybe that was what scaring her all along whenever she looked into those night sky like eyes and they always seemed to tell the truth.

Now, at the very moment, they were screaming concern for her. It was all too much for her to allow. She was much more cautious this time. She couldn't get close to him and risk his life.

"It's fine. I'll manage."

He shook his head and looked away. "I'm just telling, it's all right."

"I appreciate your concern, Abhiraj. But it is okay, really. I can manage."

He shook his head slightly. "You didn't understand. I'll drive you to office and back home. As a responsibility of mine."

Responsibility? She blinked, taking a few seconds to process what he said. When the realization caught on, her inside wavered alarmingly.

What the hell did he mean by that? Did he just impose a decision on her? In the name of responsibility?

Tucking a loose strand behind her ear she was about to deny when he interrupted. Tapping lightly on the table while avoiding eye contact with her, he said, "I want to tell you something,"

Her eyebrows furrowed as she watched him closely before asking warily, "About the new project?"


She waited for him to say something more, but he seemed to be stalling on the conversation. By the time he shifted his eyes back on the table, the food was already served.

Priyasha prodded, trying to continue the conversation, "You were telling something."

"Hmm?" He was rather attentive toward the food as he ate a spoonful.

As much as she was getting to know this man, she was having difficulties to make peace with the probable consequences of their acquaintance.

Although his disheveled hair had made his appearance less professional, he still had his staid demeanor around him. His shirt's arms were folded up to his elbows, and he was absolutely engrossed in his food.

Abhiraj was a man of fewer words but his words certainly were affecting her. There were these subtleties in the air mutual to them, she found toxic to her ordinary feelings. They were leaving an impact on them, ever so slowly, unknowingly.

He didn't say a single word until they have finished their food, and when they did, he stared dead at her and blurted, "It's about... you."

Priyasha chocked on her own saliva and looked up flabbergasted. Truthfully, she had been regretting her decision of accepting his request for this dinner altogether. Why was this getting more and more complicated?

Most importantly, he was nothing but serious.

"Me?" She asked, confused.

He nodded curtly.

For a second, she considered herself to be overreacting. Maybe it was nothing, and she was overthinking. She sipped her water without breaking eye contact with him. The air between them thickened as she exhaled lightly and asked, "What is it?"

He held her gaze for a little while before declaring his thought, "Your appearance is like a mystical rainforest to me. Mysterious, dangerous yet very alluring."

"Excuse me?" Priyasha blinked, stupefied.

He continued nonetheless. "I apologize if I became the reason of your discomfort, but..." He paused momentarily before his gaze dropped on his plate as he murmured, "The thought of anyone else... invading your territory, is very... disturbing to me."

Priyasha stiffened. Her eyes assessing his every movement. He couldn't just say that. They barely met two days ago, that too... accidentally. This was not happening. She wasn't ready, and she couldn't allow it yet. She whispered, "Abhiraj!"

He glanced up.

"You cannot say that," she murmured.

"Why?" His voice turned coarse.

"You... just... cannot." She shook her head and realized her vision had turned blurry. She stood up while blinking back the tears. "I'm done. Thank you for the dinner. I'll ... leave now." Then she ran outside hurriedly.

She didn't even have the courage to stop and ask... why did he say that. In reality, she was just reluctant to accept that sort of feelings from someone. Remembering everything that had come to her in the past, she instead found it safe to avoid it.

Her feet led her down the streets, as they already knew where she needed to go. Although her legs were hurting like crazy, she paid no attention to that. She stared at the sky. It looked gloomy for the rain clouds gathered up there. Perhaps, the first rain of monsoon would hit tonight.

She realized her broken heart was also calling for the rain. She kept walking until she almost reached the local park. Her gaze dropped on the empty bench nearby. She needed to think. She needed some time... alone.

Her gaze shifted toward her left. There stood the residential buildings one after another. The fifth one was her destination.

Abhiraj's apartment.

Could she afford to go there again? She was used to escaping. But it didn't seem easy anymore. Sonya was right. She should move on.

Her gaze roamed around the empty streets. Fortunately, no one was there to interfere with the storm going inside her. She could let it all go.

She waited until the first droplet hit her face, then collapsed on the ground.

While her skin was absorbing the raindrops, she let her soul drench in the melancholy of it.

The Velvet Healer (The Roys, #1) ✔Where stories live. Discover now