Chapter 11- Permabell

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Author's Note: I think, the song quite fits with the current situation of Priyasha and Abhiraj. Listen to the song and watch the lyrics.

Disclaimer: All the names of places, person and properties are made up. Any similarity to real world is purely coincidental.


After returning to the apartment, all soaked, frustrated, hurt and broken, Priyasha met with a few unexpected visitors. She never expected the members of the Women's Committee would be sitting there in their living room, waiting for her. She exchanged a quick glance with Jai, who was serving them tea and snacks, and realized he also didn't know anything about their unexpected visit.

At first, she thought they came to meet Abhiraj. But when one of the ladies approached her before she could even excuse herself from there, she realized they had, in fact, come for her. The lady introduced herself as the chairperson of the committee and invited Priyasha to their upcoming meeting on celebrating Rathayatra festival.

Of all events, she was actually thrilled for the first time in a while for being invited in an ordinary yet extraordinary event. Every woman in the neighborhood were a member of the women's committee. So, she also needed to be a part of it. Although, she was surprised at first, she gladly accepted their invitation and the ladies left soon after the quick interaction.

She waited for Abhiraj till 11 pm, then went back to her room after having her dinner.

Next few days after that were actually normal compared to what had been going on in her life lately. She mostly remained busy, doing everyday chores but mostly ignoring Abhiraj, both at work and home. At home, she stayed locked in her room except for the time she wasn't either cooking or eating. Apart from stealing a few brief glances at each other, they mostly stayed at a distance.

Priyasha, too much withdrawn into herself, found it difficult to cope with the current situation, and Abhiraj considerately, spared her the privacy she needed the most during those times, which she was glad he did. There were naturally so many unanswered and unexplained secrets apparently both of them were afraid to find out.

Things that were actually pressing her nerves were the emotions of those who had become the victim of collateral damage. She had called Vrinda to inquire after her health and unwillingly asked her whether her grandchild and daughter-in-law were okay. She unpredictably answered, they hadn't yet moved in and till now she was actually living all by herself. She even asked her to visit her which she reluctantly turned down with a made-up excuse. She didn't know what would happen to the old lady when she'd learn the truth.

At Police station most predictably things turned out on their favor. Inspector Bose informed, one of the robbers had surrendered with a few of the stolen items. It was quite unexpected, Bose admitted. The culprit even confessed that due to their mutual dispute, he took the abrupt and extremely absurd decision. However, Priyasha knew, it wasn't at all true.

Sonya was given back her gold chain. However, their phones were still missing. Abhiraj didn't participate in any of the conversation or proceedings at the police station. It took a great effort from her to convince Sonya to take back their complaint. She didn't know how to explain it to her about what actually happened.

The moment Priyasha discovered the incident altogether was made up, she was determined to take back their lodged complaint. She knew exactly how the criminals were treated in lock up, and she'd never take pleasure in someone misery for something they were forced to do. She even promised herself to make sure the actual criminal got punished. If not by the law, then by something else. Of course, Abhiraj disregarded her decision at first. But when she persisted, he simply left the room leaving her alone with Sonya to convince her about the idea. Sonya eventually agreed.

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