Chapter 3- New Apartment

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For quite a while, she was in need of a long-term break so that she could heal her life's permanent trauma. Life was suffocating her since it happened, and she was now too exhausted to cope with the pain-clouds above and around her. All she was doing was struggling and pretending to move on in life. She wanted to escape the surrounding darkness. But it was an impractical thought. Because she knew she could not. She hated her life at those moments. She hated everything that had happened to her, and those dark times had caused a permanent fear in her for her future.

Priyasha inhaled and opened her eyes slowly. She was trying to meditate by watching one of those guided meditation tutorials from YouTube. Her mind, however, wandering around all over the place. It just wasn't working. She was wondering whether they say this nonsense to gain more subscribers. Maybe she needed more time with herself because she was just overthinking and nothing was helping her to get out of those bad memories. She wanted to move on, but she couldn't.

Stretching her arms, she stood up.

Her apartment was small but comfy. Upon entering, there was a small living cum dining place. One bedroom on the left with an attached bathroom, and to the right, there was the kitchen.

She went to the kitchen and prepared her meal. Her mind often replayed the recent events that took place accidentally.

How ordinary it seemed when she moved to the city and things started to fall in places. But... did they really?

The doorbell rang, startling her. Because it was almost 11 pm and no one had ever come to visit her this late.

She trotted toward the door and opened it. It was Vrinda. Priyasha wondered if something was serious because Vrinda never showed up this late before.

"Aunty? Anything serious?" Priyasha asked her as she moved inside and strode to the couch. She was panting and perspiring since she had to climb a floor higher than her own.

Vrinda sat down and looked at her. "Priyasha, I have a request for you."

Priyasha noticed Vrinda was a little off. She was hesitating to speak to her. Her eyes were giving out more even though she was trying to cover it.

"Tell me, Aunty, whatever you need done from me." Priyasha sat down beside her and looked into her eyes. Some teardrops were glistening there and were on the verge of coming out.

It is an interesting side of humans. They hide their emotions exceptionally well. They don't care about their emotional needs. In fact, they care less about their distressing souls and only get concerned about the worldly consequences.

Priyasha's heart squeezed inside when she saw Vrinda broke down in front of her. She wept and every pore of Priyasha's skin shivered watching the grief her eyes were making. Non-Stop tears were staining her face as she started shaking visibly within moments. Priyasha started panicking about this old lady's hysteria. The problem was, she wasn't telling anything.

"What happened aunty, please tell me," She cooed in her ear while holding her hand, trying to soothe her.

"Amit, my son..." She paused and more tears pooled in her eyes. Priyasha nodded to express her concern as it was scaring her out seeing the old lady like that. Lots of uninvited thoughts on upcoming consequences were bursting in her head.

"What about him?"

"He was killed in a shootout last night Priyasha," Aunty blurted out in a single breath, "He was only an innocent pedestrian. He had nothing to do with that criminal encounter. Did he?" More tears escaped her eyes as she broke down completely.

Priyasha held her there for a longer time. She felt like crying, to tell aunty she understood the pain she was going through but nothing would come out. She could not. Just there was a familiar feeling of her heart silently breaking into pieces, without letting the other person know.

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