Come home Mon charmant mari ((Fruk))

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    Francis Bonnefoy paced around his apartment. His husband was supposed to come home hours ago, he left some voicemails and texts. But that was hours ago. Arthur's boss had been stressing out Author, making him stay late into the night about what they were going to do about Russia's growing military state and how to fix Brexit. Francis couldn't help but worry for his lover, he doesn't remember the last time they cuddled in their shared bed, or when he was able to make him dinner (Even after cooking lessons, Arthur still couldn't cook).
     He had already tucked their two boys in making sure Alfred and Matthew didn't stay up and play with their legos they had gotten from their friends Matthias. Francis jumped when he heard the door open, "Francis what are you doing up it's one am" The English man said looking at the french man. "I could ask you the same question Angleterre" Francis said crossing his arms. "You're taking the day off tomorrow, it's Alfred's and Matthew's day off from school and I'm even taking off. We need more time as a family" He said walking toward the smaller mans frame. "Love, as much as I'd love to do-" "Non mon amour, my husband is not going to work again after coming home late in the night for over two weeks" Francis interrupted frowning "It's damaging your health, and our boys miss you, I miss you" He said wrapping his arms around the pastey man. "Francis you know I can't do that, I have a meeting with Ludwig and Feliciano about the oil deal and then the Queen is visiting tomorrow. I would really love to spend time with you guys I would but I can't" Arthur said placing a soft kiss on Francis' lips. Francis pulled back and frowned    
   "But mon cher mari, when's the last time you ate, or the last time you had a full eight hours of sleep, or have you even seen the boys in the last weeks. Arthur Kirkland, as long as that ring is on your finger" Francis laced his fingers with Arthur's " than I am in charge of your health, nation or not, you need to be taken care off" Francis said starring at his partner waiting for a response, losing himself in those emerald eyes. "I'll call my boss tomorrow and tell him Alfred and Matt caught a cold" Arthur said quietly, smiling softly. "Yes!" "Alfred shut up they're gonna hear us and we're gonna get in trouble" Francis and Arthur laughed hearing the seven year old Matthew scold the younger Alfred. "Boys, I thought I put you to bed" Francis said waking back to their shared bedroom. "You did but then we" "Alfred heard and woke me up" Matthew interjected. Alfred rolled his eyes before continued " I heard you and dad Talking about staying home so I got excited and we spied on you" Alfred said. "We're sorry Papa we just got wanted to know when we'd see Dad again" Matthew said quietly. "Well boys, your papa's right, you're supposed to be in bed, but because we technically woke you up and because I am staying home tomorrow, you get a pass from dad" Arthur said picking up the small children and tucking them into bed. "Goodnight boys" Arthur said smiling. Francis stood outside the room smiling widely. "Let's get to bed before they spy again" Francis said before lacing his lands back with Arthur's.

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