Molde Jazz Festival ((Dennor + anko Family))

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"Baby, baaby, come on wake up, Kære." The Norwegian man woke up to his current fiancée poking him in the ribs, he sighed before sitting up, his blonde hair messily standing up. "What is it Dane?" Lukas said coldly looking at Matthias. "You promised me and Emil you'd take us to the Molde Jazz" Matthias said frowning. Lukas smiled before lightly kissing the danish man, "And I do intend to keep that promise, go get Emil dressed while I take a shower" He said before getting out of the warm inviting bed. "Why can't I join you" Matthias whined hugging Lukas from behind. "If you want to go to a festival then I suggest you get Emil up kjære" Lukas said before waking into their master bathroom and turning on the shower.

Matthias smiled, he loved his fiancé and their child, Emil. The little ball of grumpy ness did seem to hate everyone, but Lukas and Matthias knew he loved them both. Matthias walked down the long corridor, before seeing a white door with a big letter E and a puffin on the front. Matthias opened the door before saying "Emil buddy wake up,
Wakey wakey or I'll drag you down below where the monsters can snatch you!" Matthias said smiling down at the five year old. Emil frowned before saying "I'm too tired, where's pappa" "He's taking a shower to get ready for Molde Jazz" Emil shot up as he heard the festivals name. "We're going!" The silver haired child said before being picked up by the Dane. "Well not if your not dressed E" He said before setting the boy down. "Can Mr. Puffin come too?" Emil said running to his closet and picking out a summer outfit (since it was mid July). "Sure buddy, just make sure to brush your hair, or those trolls pappa told you about are gonna eat ya." Emil giggled before shooing Mathias out his room.

Lukas was already dressed in a black T-shirt and Black skinny jeans, with his normal cross pin. He was making pancakes, as Emil was hanging around Mathew and he suddenly got addicted to the Canadian cuisine. Matthias got dressed in a plain t-shirt and blue jeans before walking down stairs toward Lukas. Hugging him from behind as he was making breakfast, humming a Norwegian folk song. Emil rushed down the stairs carrying 'Mr. Puffin' his stuffed puffin with one of Tinos bowties on it. "Emil did you brush your hair?" Lukas said calmly placing his plate In front of him, and a tiny plate for Mr. Puffin of course.

"Yes I did pappa, far told me to do so or the trolls would eat me" Emil said with his mouth full. "Emil you know what we've talked about, do not speak with your mouth full" Lukas said sitting next to Matthias, eating their pancakes. "Sorry pappa I'm just really excited for the festival!" The small boy said jumping up and down in his seat. "I know E, but I do have some rules. No going anywhere without one of us, do not wander, do not talk to any strangers, hold my hand or fars hand, and scream as loud as you can if someone try's anything" Lukas said before gathering all of their plates and placing them in the sink. "Yeah if they get a hold of ya just scream and I'll bring my axe" Matthias said before picking the small child up. "Babe it's in Oslo right?" Matthias said throwing the keys at his partner. "Yep" Lukas said popping the P, before locking up the house and unlocking the car. He and Matthias switched items, as Lukas buckled Emil into his car seat, Matthias started the car. Lukas hopped into the passenger seat, grabbing a hold of Matthias right hand before driving towards the music festival.


Far - Dad in Danish
Kære - Dear in Danish
kjære - Dear in Norwegian

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