Canadain Beauty ((Prucan))

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Mathew and Gilbert lied on the couch in Mathew's home, their limbs entangled with Gilbert running his fingers through the Canadians soft hair as they watched Sleepy Beauty. Mathew had yet to tell his fathers he had a boyfriend, let alone the son of Arthur's Business partners and punk male, Gilbert Beilschmidt, son of Ludwig Beilschmidt and Feliciano Vargas.

Gilbert kept saying that he was more awesome than Prince Philip. While also saying Mathew was his own sleepy beauty. Alfred was out of the house at football practice, wouldn't be back till Sunday, he was staying the night at Kiku's, Francis and Arthur were both at work, so Gilbert and Matthew stayed home that Saturday and watched all of the Disney princess movies. (In order of when they came out).

The night before Mathew had stayed the night at Gilbert's house, and things had not gone accordingly. So in result, Mathew had a hickey on his neck (that he covered up around his parents) and Gilbert had scratch marks on his back, they weren't really noticeable unlike Mathews mark.

Both seniors fell asleep in each other's arms, not noticing or hearing the front door opening and two figures walking into the living room, hearing 'once upon a dream' softly playing in the background. Francis was the first to notice the two as he gasp loudly before screeching "MATTHIEU WILLIAMS BONNEFOY" Arthur rushed in before seeing his business partners punk son cuddling their soft spoken son. The teens shot up hearing Francis out cry, "Papa listen it's fine th-" "is thaT A HICKEY MATTHEW" Arthur interrupted his sons sentence. "Gilbert does your father even know you're hear" Arthur said frowning. He expected these types of things from Alfred, not Mathew. Francis, being extra at all times, ripped his son away from the albino before seeing teeth marks on Mathews shoulders. "Arthur, I think I'm going to faint" Francis said. "Mr. Kirkland wait! Listen me and Mathew have been together since Junior year, and it's very bad that we hit it off this way but please. This was my idea to come here without your permission sir." Gilbert blabbered trying to get Matthew out of as much trouble as possible.

Francis squinted his eyes before grabbing both teens wrist and sitting them down at the marble top table. "So Gilbert what are your intentions with our son" Francis said eyeing the frightened albino. "Well sir, too make him happy and to make sure he's safe and sound" Gilbert said before grabbing Matthews hand underneath the table. Since Arthur was behind then he saw this and smiled. This reminded him of Francis and him, how they'd hide it until they got caught doing something stupid, luckily it wasn't as bad as when Francis and Arthur got caught.

After more and more questions, most of which from Francis (seeing as he had an attachment to Matthew), Gilbert was sent home and they were allowed to be together. "Now Matthew listen to me and your fathe-" "uh oh what did golden boy do over here" the 15 year old Alfred interrupted before bursting out laughing "Did they catch y-you and Gil! That's priceles-" "Alfred go to your room, or you'll be in trouble too" Arthur said turning to smaller teen. "As your Father was saying, we don't mind that you have a boyfriend, just tell us next time Érable" Francis said before turning to his husband. "Yes Matthew it's perfectly fine with us just um... please ask Gilbert to refrain himself" Arthur said as he poked at the hickey. "Yes Papa, yes dad. Sorry I didn't tell you before, I just didn't want it to be awkward because you worked with his dad.." Matthew said before hearing a crash in his and Alfred's shared room. He quickly got up and ran towards the room, "alFRED DO NOT MESS WITH MY HOKEY STICKS THEY ARE NOT FOR INTIMIDATION"

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