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    Authors Note : This chapter does contain graphic imagery so if you're not ok with that please skip this chapter :))

Used. That's all Gilbert felt when he was trapped with Ivan. Defiled and damaged. A monster hiding in his closet, in his bed, putting thoughts into his mind, bruises on his skin, and making him feel used. There were days when Gilbert would lay in bed, hot tears running down his face, waiting for something to give, something to break. Ivan used him. Used him for whatever he wanted, sex, money, power, a punching bag, anything. Gilbert was his toy. Gilbert wasn't the only one to feel used, the three kids Ivan bullied, Eduard, Raivis, and Toris, Gilbert was sure they felt used.

   Gilbert was forced into this relationship by Ivan, their fathers worked together and they often spent time at Ivan's house alone. Where no one could hear Gilbert's sobs when Ivan beat him. No one knew, until Alfred and Matthias followed them to the roof top. That was a year ago, he still felt used, but he was happy. Ivan moved back to Russia, and he had regained his friendships and had a small crush on Alfred's older brother. Everything had been going great for Gilbert. Had.

    It was Monday, everyone hated Mondays. Especially Gilbert. He had woken up early that morning, luckily, meaning he could get an extra cup of coffee in his already hyper system and he could get to Matthew's house faster. They usually walked to school together, if Gilbert wasn't late.

    Now it was homeroom, he was messing around with Roderich and Elizabeta while laughing at some joke Feliks said. "Hey Gil stop throwing paper balls towards me it's getting annoying" Roderich said wacking away the small paper ball Gilbert was throwing towards him. "Nah, I'm trying to hit that unawesome curl of yours." Gilbert said before hitting the curl. "Yes!" He jumped up and laughed. "H-Hey, you're so annoying. Lizzy do something please" "I can't, the principal said if I bring my pan again I'll get suspended" Elizabeta said before going back to her conversation with Feliks. Gilbert sat down, smiling back at his friends. "Where's Vash?" He said looking around for the hot headed Swiss. "I think Lilly has the flu so he stayed to help her"  The polish teen said. Gilbert nodded.

    Home room went by smoothly, only being threatened by the teacher once to get sent to the office, as opposed to the usual three times, Gilbert opened up his locker and pulled out his English textbook. "Gil! You need to hide!" Alfred said running up to the older Prussian. "What Alfr-" "He's back" The stiff silence filled the halls as he looked back at the panting American. "You don't mean-" "He's in my home room and- and our English" Alfred huffed out as he looked behind him. "We're going to have to run" Suddenly Gilbert's hand was being pulled by the smaller teen, he ran with him getting into the classroom before most of the people. "Does Matthias know!" Gilbert asked, fidgeting with the hem of his jacket. His anxiety started to fill him as he remembered to pain and the bruises. "No but-" Alfred stopped talking, so did everyone else in the room. A sickening dread filled Gilbert, anxiety course through his veins, he felt restless. He didn't want to turn around, fearing to outcome. "Sunflower?" A Russian accented voice said. Gilbert felt a chill down his spine. This was how he lured you in, he called you all these nice nicknames and he showered you with love before locking his hands around you. Words escaped him, it felt like bubblegum was in his throat, preventing him from saying anything. He felt a large hand on his shoulder, a familiar feeling before Alfred slapped Ivan's hands off of Gilbert's shoulder. "Don't touch him" He said before sitting down in a seat in front of Gilbert. He didn't realize this but Matthias and Lukas had made their way into the room. Matthias immediately sat behind Gilbert and made Lukas sit on his right side, there was no way Ivan could have gotten to Gil now.


The rest of the day went by fast. Luckily Gilbert didn't have any other class with Ivan except English. He avoided him all day, staking our in the bathroom, eating lunch behind the gym with Eduard, Raivis, and Toris, they were also hiding. It was a big game of cat and mouse, but when the last bell rang Gilbert was quick to rush out of the school. He hopped into his Fathers car, forgetting that anything had happened in the first place. "I'm sure you know that Ivan has moved back?" Gilbert frowned and nodded. Suddenly noticing they weren't on the road toward their house. "A-m I-" "Yes you are, and you're going to behave yourself" Ludwig pulled up into the all too familiar driveway. "I'll pick you up at eight" Ludwig and Gilbert walked up to the mahogany door, knocking. Ivan's dad walked out and smiled at Gilbert. Gilbert reluctantly walked inside the house. He felt almost nauseous seeing Ivan. "Sunflower, you came!" Ivan said before forcing a hug. Gilbert pressed his hands on Ivan's chest, trying to get the taller male off of him. "Ivan get off of me!" He screamed. He felt all the familiar things mess with him. It felt as if pins and needles were against his skin, tears swelling in his scarlet eyes. Ivan just chuckled, before he threw Gilbert down, "I make the rules here Lyublyu" He said. Gilbert's breath was caught in his throat, he sat up before putting his pale face in his hands, curling up into a ball. Trying to somewhat protect himself. "Oh, Lyublyu." Ivan picked up the smaller male and placed him on the couch in his lap, stroking his pearl white hair. Gilbert wanted so bad to give in, give up, let Ivan have what he wanted. But he couldn't. Gilbert crawled off his lap and sat down at the other end of the deep mulberry couch. "I-I'm not doing this again I-Ivan" He said looking back at the Russian teen. "But Sunflower I've changed-" "No! No! I'm not falling for your s-shit. I-I" His words got caught in his throat again. The couch dipped from the weight of Ivan sitting closer to him. Ivan stroked Gilbert's cheeks, 'don't listen. Don't listen." He was chanting that in his head. "Oh, Gil. I know how much I've hurt you but let me make it up too you Milaya" Ivan said before putting Gilbert back on his lap. He slowly kissed his jaw, and went down his neck, before Gilbert pushed himself up. "Y-you think s-sex is g-going t-o fix t-two years of your b-bullshit!" Gilbert shrieked. He self consciously wrapped his arms around his chest. Ivan frowned, it never was that easy with Gilbert.

    Ivan got up from his spot on the couch and grabbed Gilbert's wrists "Milaya I'm going to get what I want. No use in fighting it" Ivan nipped at the Prussians neck. "I-Ivan stop!" Gilbert yelled, Ivan just smirked against Gilbert's pale skin. Gilbert thrashed around, even though he knew it was useless, Ivan was five times his strength and height. He was pinned on the couch by the large Russian, hot tears fell down his face, he knew this part of the story all too well. "You should be used to this, Da?"


  Gilbert woke up feeling used. He never thought he'd feel that awful again. He felt the new bruised form on his wrist and hips, bile wanting to spill over. Gilbert sat up and reached for his clothes. Feeling more and more disgusted with himself as time went by, it was already 7:30 at night. Ivan was passed out on the couch. Gilbert shuttered, he had never felt more repulsed of himself. He went to the bathroom to hopefully drown out some of his feelings. What was in the mirror was a nightmare. Hickies ran along the teens neck, a bruise was starting to form on his jaw, and his hair was disheveled. Used, he let himself be used again. Tears threatened to rush down his face as he sat down on the floor crunched up into a ball. Muffled sobs rang throughout the large house.

   Ivan woke up to the sounds of crying coming from the bathroom. He knew Gilbert would do this, he always did. Ivan sighed before opening the bathroom door. Gilbert jumped hearing the door open. The bubblegum was back, words stuck in his throat. The words that should've stopped all of this. Ivan looked down at the smaller male, chuckling. "Don't you ever get tired of crying? It seems like that's all you ever do now." Ivan smiled before grabbing Gilbert's hand and harshly pulling him up. "Milaya" Ivan spoke softly, like he cared. Brushing some strands of Snow White hair out of Gilbert's face. He pressed a soft kiss on the Prussian's forehead. Gilbert was writhing with anger, Ivan was always this kind after an inhuman act. His skin throbbing from the pervious events, and his mind felt almost as bruised as his body. He suddenly jerked back in anger. "You- You!" His fist came crashing down on Ivan's broad chest. "How can you do that to me and just act like nothing happened! You can't just barge in my life and fucking ruin it!" He punches and punched, not seriously hurting Ivan. They both heard the front door open. Gilbert brushed past Ivan wiping away the tears and grabbing his black hoodie. Trying to cover up the hickies and bruises before his father noticed. "Gilbert?" Ludwig said before Gilbert ran toward the car. He quickly opened the passenger door and sat down, ready to leave.


  That Tuesday, Gilbert was oddly silent. He wasn't messing with Roderich or Elizabeta. He was just stirring in his seat, starring at his wrist, the mauve purple bruises very apparent on his wrist. "Hey Gil are you alright?" Elizabeta said worries for the usually loud teen. "Y-Yeah I'm fine" Gilbert squeaked out , his voice cracking.

Alfred and Matthias noticed this immediately. Rushing towards their friend in English. Alfred saw the purple bruises on the teens wrist and neck, Alfred sharply toke in air before turning to the Russian. "So you think you can just do this to people and get away?" Alfred said shoving Ivan. Ivan chuckled seeing Gilbert deteriorate. "I've gotten away with it so far" Alfred sat in anger before ramming his fist in his jaw. "ALFRED!" Gilbert yelled. Alfred stopped and looked back at Gilbert. "We'll deal with this properly" he said before walking out of the classroom and walking towards the roof.

   Gilbert sat there for a while, not knowing what to do. He felt the wind blow on his face before rain started to pour on him. Sobs threatened to escape his throat. Matthias ran up to the roof, seeing Gilbert sitting in the rain. "Gil!" He yelled looking at his friend.  The albino got up and walked towards Matthias. "I'm pretty sure Ivan just got the shit kicked out of him by Alfie." He said trying to bring the mood up a little bit. "I don't know what to do Matt" Gilbert said, the weight of everything crashing down on him. Matthias wrapper Gilbert in a hug, trying to calm him down. "Gil, why don't we go to Toni's today and let him know" Matthias said trying to calm his friend down. "S-Sure" Gilbert managed to get out of his throat before feeling the pins and needles come back and surround his skin. "Why don't we call Toni and ask if he can check you out, you don't need anymore stress" Matthias said walking the Prussian teen towards the office.

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⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Jun 13, 2018 ⏰

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