The Punk and the Prince ((Fruk))

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   The teenage Arthur stood on the roof of Hetalia high. He was stressed out, his three younger brothers had a fight with him last night and he didn't know what to do. The British punk usually had an answer the every situation, since he's basically raised the three boys since birth. "Angleterre? I thought you said you quit smoking." A concerned french teen said skipping over to the blonde male.  "Old habits die hard" Arthur said turning to the put together male.

   Arthur and Francis; to the schools understanding. Hated each other. They were on two different side of a spectrum, Arthur was a punk, he didn't listen to the rules much, while Francis was one of the most liked people in the school. He was in the school council president, girls where swoon over him, he had perfect grades. Both teens had arguments everyday in their shared history class, french and British insults flung across the room until the teacher stopped them.

   But, in reality, they loved each other. They would never admit it, but they both knew in the silence, that they somewhat cared for each other.

    "So what's the school golden boy doing skipping fourth period" Arthur said stopping on the cigarette to put it out. "Well angleterre, I wanted to see you" Francis said softly looking at the British male. "Well you've seen me, go back to whatever honors class you have git" Arthur said harshly. "No, Arthur, I'm tired of fighting with you. And pretending like I hate you because some of my friends don't like 'punks'. Mon chéri-" "Don't be like this Francis, you know as well as I do this will never work." Arthur walked towards the taller male. "But I think it would, you never know if you don't try." Francis stated before bending down and kissing the smaller teen. They pulled apart, stars in their eyes. Like fireworks had just gone off. Arthur smiled, genuinely, and roughly pulled the taller french teen into him."I guess we could give it a go"

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