Movie Night ((Face fam + Gilbert))

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   Matthew and Alfred argued over which movie to watch. This always happens on movie nights, the teens reasoned and debated on what they wanted to watch, Arthur chuckled seeing the childish behavior. "No no no, Matt it's all about the guts and gore of a zombie movie which World War Z totally has" "Yeah but the plot is stupider than you, and it's not that scary. I say we just watch the thing" Matt said. "Boys, boys, why don't we let the adults decide between your choices" Arthur said looking at Francis making popcorn in the microwave. If it wasn't raining so hard, today would be their usual walk day, but they got another movie night. They heard knocking at the door, Francis frowned and said "Who would be our in a storm like this". He opened the door to find a soaking wet Gilbert, his eyes looked bloodshot and he looked terrible. "Gilbert! Come in, come
In, what happen?" Francis said rather loudly seeing Matthews head snap towards the tall and lanky albino he loved dearly soaked. "Arthur Alfred Towels, Matthew clothes" Francis said to the people in the living room.

After Gilbert changed into Some of Alfred's clothes, and hot chocolate, Gilbert calmed down. "I just couldn't be there any more Matty, all the screaming and yelling. And I um... I think something else is happening when I'm not there. I'm scared for Papà." Gilbert said to Alfred and Matthew, they were in their rooms. Alfred had put in Up, and tried to calm his best friend down. "Dude I don't think a Client got handsy. I think it was Ludwig" Alfred said concerning flooding in his voice. "What if he hits you next or-" Matthew cut himself off. He hugged the albino tightly. "I don't want to see you get hurt gil" "Same here. I mean if your hurt who am I gonna play Mario Kart with?" Alfred smiled towards the two.

Gilbert smiled at the blondes. "I don't think he'd ever-" "I'm pretty sure Feli thought that before.." "Alfred I'm guessing" "yes but I'm pretty sure you're not wrong" Alfred said. "Wait, did you just run off?" "Well yeah, he doesn't really like your dad so" Gilbert said fidgeting with the empty porcelain mug in his hands.

Francis and Arthur stood outside the boys bedroom. "I never thought. Ludwig, all he does is talk about Feliciano. And I just" Arthur sighed. He couldn't comprehend what the teenager was suggesting. "Arthur, he should stay here for the night. I don't want to send him home." Francis said resting his head on the Brits shoulder. He couldn't imagine hitting anyone in his house, especially his boys. They both heard a knock at their door. "I'll hide Gilbert you answer the door" Francis said rushing into the teens room.

Arthur opened the door to find Ludwig, angry. Arthur noted the bloody and bruised knuckles in the German man. "Ludwig, what are you doing here" the British man said coldly. "Arthur, have you seen Gilbert? Since he's with your son I thought he might be with him." Ludwig said calmly. "Oh, No me and the boys have been here all night arguing over which movies to watch" The British man said looking back at Francis who appeared from the smaller bedroom. "Mom Chéri who is it?" Francis called from the kitchen. Ludwig sighed hearing Francis' voice. "He might be at Toni's" Matthew suggested. "He always goes there when he's not here" "Well that settles it, I'm sorry that you can't find Gilbert, he's a really good kid. I'll call if we find him" Arthur said smoothly. "Alright have a good night Arthur" Ludwig said before exiting the resident.

"Is he gone?" Gilbert said popping out of a hallway closet. "Yeah Gil he's gone" Matthew said. "I'm sorry to Intrude like this Mr. Kirkland, I'll go if-" "No, no Gilbert it's fine" Francis said. "Awesome, I'm beating your asses at Mario Kart" Gilbert said racing towards the bedroom. Francis and Arthur laughed seeing the boys run after Gilbert. "Do you think he'll be fine in that house?" Arthur said "I don't know Angleterre, Matthew will keep an eye out. I'm sure of it." Francis said placing a small kiss on Arthur's forehead.

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