Prussian Worries ((a story about HRE and Prussia))

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   ((Hre is referred to as Gabriel ))

  The house felt empty today, especially today. Gilbert's blood ran cold, as he realized what day it was. His mind was troubled by the emptiness, he ran up to the attic carefully, making sure his fathers didn't hear him. He pulled out a photo album. It was daffodil yellow on the front in his Papá's neat hand writing it read 'Gabriel'. He slowly opened it, the first picture his eyes focused on was one at the hospital.  His aunt Monica had just given birth to his young brother, Gabriel, he was so excited for a new little brother. Tears filled Gilbert's eyes before he turned the page. He smiled at the next one, it was of him and Gabriel, they were asleep on the couch. They were watching Sleeping beauty, Gab's favorite movie, but had fallen asleep. Feliciano had seen this and had taken a picture. He shut the photo album, and set it down back in the box.

   Gilbert's scarlet eyes looked toward the wall of the attic, showing pictures in frames perviously hung in the large house. They were Gabriel's baby photos and family photos. It was the first time he'd seen Ludwig smile in months. And it was in a picture. He sighed and climbed out of the attic walking back to his room.


Gilbert and Gabriel ran into the forest behind their house. The ten year old and the eight year old had been warned previously by their fathers about how dangerous the woods were. But being children, they didn't listen. Gabriel confidently said "When I grow up I'm gonna be a business man like Vati!" Gilbert chucked a pebble at him and yelled "that's so unawesome! Why don't you do something cool like Papà? He runs a gang." "Because I don't want to be awesome" Gilbert gasped at his brothers statement. "How are we even related!" He said excessively. Gabriel smiled before realizing that the sun was setting, "Gil shouldn't we be home by now? Vati will get mad" He said worriedly. "Don't worry unawesome bruder, we'll make it home in time" He said running towards the way they came out. Suddenly a loud shriek tore Gilbert's attention away from the path. "Gilbert! Gilbert help!" He heard Gabriel scream. The albino panicked and raced towards his little brother. "W-what happened?" Gilbert said. "A s-snake bit me gil! I-I can't walk!" Gabriel yelled tears falling down his fair skin. "Oh don't worry the awesome Gilbert is here!" He said before picking up the light Gabriel and running home. Gilbert swung the door opened, before his fathers could say anything about them being late for dinner, he realized Gabriel was bleeding. "Vati! Papà! Gabriel got bit by a snake!" He yelled hearing stomps toward him and Gab. "Oh no! Luddy call an ambulance" Feliciano grabbed Gabriel from Gilbert's hands. "Gilbert! How did this happen?" Ludwig said crouching down to the now crying child. "W-we were playing in the w-woods and we s-started to walk home b-but g-gab got bit by a s-snake." He blabbered to his father. "How many times have me and your Papà told you not to go back there! This is why Gilbert!" He yelled hearing the ambulance sirens getting closer to them. "I'm so-sorry vati, Gab just wanted to see the flowers that I picked for Papà" Gilbert said before seeing the paramedics rush Gabriel on a stretcher and rush him to the hospital.

  Usually Gilbert would've been excited to stay at his uncle Lovino's. But he knew why he was staying there. Gabriel didn't make the trip to the hospital, Gilbert had been crying all that night, being held by a sobbing Feliciano. Ludwig and Feliciano were attending the funeral, and they opted Gilbert at saying 'he's been traumatized enough' so Lovino offered to babysit. His friend at the time Toni was also there. Him and Gilbert were watching Mulan, Gilbert had finally fallen asleep between Lovi and Toni. The front door opened to Reveal Ludwig and Feliciano. Feli looked like a tornado had run past him, tear stains down his face, his auburn hair messy, and his bloodshot eyes, while Ludwig had tear stains, he looked the most composed. "Well take Gil off your hands" Ludwig said quietly. "Sure Lud, I'm sorry for your loss, Gab was an amazing kid." Lovi said before engulfing his brother in a rare hug. Feliciano hugged back and started crying again. Ludwig picked The sleeping Gilbert and patted his husbands shoulders, signaling it was time for their leave.


Gilbert had always regretted that, he had always blames himself. Because it was his fault. With the current situation at home he felt worse and worse. Gilbert's powder white hair fell in his face, before coming out of his room to face the reality of his mistakes. The Prussian walked into the kitchen and saw his Papá unusually gloom, it was the date and his father was silent reading the newspapers. The tension was getting to Gilbert as he sighed and poured a glass of milk. "Is there any reason you went into the attic Gil?" Ludwig asked taking off his glasses and looking at his son. 'Fuck' he thought before turning to his parents. "You caught me Vati. I was looking at pictures" He said sitting down at the dining table. "Pictures of who?" Feliciano joined in looking at the albino. Gilbert stayed silent before taking a deep breath and stated "Gabriel". The house became filled with tension. Gilbert could feel the stares of both his fathers on him. He quickly got up before hearing his dad say "Gilbert we've been through this, it's time too move on, me and your father have and you need to." Ludwig said. "You think it's that easy! 'Oh Gilbert you basically killed your little brother' so just forget about him! I can't do that! I've tried and tried but apparently I can't! So don't came at me with that bullshit West!" He angrily screamed looking back at his parents. Feliciano started crying and Ludwig sighed. "Gil I never said it would be easy I'm ju-" "You're always just saying something." Gilbert mumbled underneath his breath. "I'm going now, you don't have to worry about the unawesome me" he said before walking toward the front door with his small back pack. "No Gilbert I am not done talking to you!" Ludwig said as he tugged on his sons shirt. "Well I'm done talking West" He said before rushing out the door.

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