Matt's birthday

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it was Matt's birthday and you were taking him out to get him out of the house so the boys could finish planing his surprise party. I took a shower and did my makeup. I put on a white crop tank top a black high low skirt and a pair of sandals. I curled my hair and put a flower crown over it. I sprayed myself with my Victoria secret perfume because that was Matt's favorite. after I finished getting ready I texted Matt telling him I was on my way. the party was at Cameron and Nash's place so we had to keep Matt away for a while, so you were gonna take him to dinner. you drove to his apartment and walked in. 'Matt?" you called out 'I'm in the kitchen!' you hear a voice call back. you walk in the kitchen and see Matt standing there 'hey birthday boy!' you say as you kiss his lips. he chuckles and smiles. 'you look beautiful' you giggle and look down as you blush. 'you ready to go?' 'yeah where're we going?' 'it's a surprise and don't bring your wallet' 'babe I'm not letting you pay' 'shut up it's your birthday' 'come on I'll pay' he insists. 'don't argue with me Espinosa I'll kill you if you bring your wallet I don't care if it's your birthday' 'damn ok then' he says as he sets his wallet down. you grab his hand and you guys walk to your car and drive to your favorite restaurant. As you parked your car and got out you grabbed Matt's hand a lead him into the place. 'Hello welcome, just two for today?' A man at the counter said You said yes and the man lead you to your table. You sat down and started making conversation with Matt 'so how do you feel being 17?' You said with a smirk 'feels great, I feel like a new man' 'okay Matt' you said laughing the waiter came and you told him what you wanted the waiter came back with your food, you ate it and left. When you got in the car you got a text from cameron saying 'the party is readyyyy' you sent him a okay were on our way and drove off to Cameron's place. 'Who was that you were texting?' A curious Matt said 'nobodyyyy you'll Seee' you looked at him with a smile, you pulled up to Cameron's place 'why are we at Cameron's?' Matt asked 'just wait you'll see Matt' you said laughing. You both got out and walked to the door, you knocked and cameron opens it when everyone saw Matt they all jumped up and said 'HAPPY BIRTHDAY' Matt looked at you, you just said 'happy birthday babe' you gave him a kiss and a hug Matt whispered and thank you to you and went to go say hi to everyone.

🎉Happy 17 Birthday Matthew🎉

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