Nash Grier

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•I got this idea from PeaceLoveSarcasm go follow and read her books🌷💕•


You sat at lunch with your friends, you guys were just talking about all the school drama. You stopped paying attention to them and noticed a boy sitting by himself. He had beautiful piercing blue eyes, pulp pink lips and black hair that had a little brown in the front, you remember your friends talking about him and he's name being nash, you felt bad that he was sitting by himself. You stopped staring at him when you noticed two jocks going up to him 'hey fag how's your lunch?' After one of the jocks said that the other jock dumped Nash's food on him. Nash got up and ran away. 'Hey guys I'll be right back' you told your friends. You got up and went looking for nash, you found him sitting on the floor by some lockers. 'Hey' you said quietly he didn't respond you didn't mind it so you just say down 'um I'm sorry for what they did to you, it wasn't right' he just looked at you, you looked at his eyes and noticed they were watery. He began to speak 'i get teased by them all the time, i sometimes think about cutting but realize what would that do, I'll just put my younger brother and little sister in pain They look up to me I can't do that to them. I don't want my parents to worry and cry all the time. It sucks i can't do it anymore.' You looked at him you felt the tears form 'Nash... I'm sorry they shouldn't do this to you, anything that they say to you is wrong. You seem like a great guy.' You said truthfully  'i just need to feel loved, by an actual friend' 'I can be that friend nash...' You said with a small smile. You rubbed your thumb across his lips and kissed him 'will you let me be your friend?, I'll show you what love feels like.. I'll prove it' 'thank you it means a lot it really does I would love to be your friend' he said with a shy smile you kissed him on the lips and hugged him.

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