Chapter 6 ▪ 2nd Monthsary

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2 months later.

I woke up to the smell of his cooking as I went out of his room, I ran to him and hugged his back.

"Good Morning, Taehyung-ah..."

"Good Morning, sunshine."

"W-Why are you s-shirtless?"

"Do you like what you see?" He smirked.

"Tch, as if, Mr. Pervert!" I sat on the dining table to wait for him to finish. "Aha! Byuntaehyung!"

"Ah wae?~"

"It suits you anyway." He placed the plate on the table with omelettes in it. When I was about to reach it, he pushed it away from me. "Byuntaehyung!"

"You forgot what it is today."

"What is it today?"

"You really forgot?"

"Yah, really what's the occasion?"

"Am I even important to you?" He sat on the chair and placed his head on his hand meanwhile, I still don't know what it is today.

"Naaah, I never cared about you." I got an omelette from the plate and placed it on mine.

"Look behind you." I look behind and saw the calendar.

'July 23'

Shit. Our 2nd monthsary. Yeah, we do what couples do.

"Mianhaeyo~" I sat up from my seat, stood up in front of his disappointed face and bent down to his level. "I'll make it up to you instead."

"Then allow me to go to our party later, please? After that, we'll go to the amusement park. You wanted to go there, right? You go first to the amusement park then I'll meet you there after the party. It's actually not a party it's just an end of the school year get together. I know it's been more than 2 months after the end of the school year but some of them ended their summer classes. Please, Haeji-ssi? I don't want my batchmates and seniors to be disappointed."

"Just promise me you won't do anything ridiculous, okay."

"Okay, okay, I promise."


Taehyung left 2 hours ago for the party. It's already past 5 O'Clock so it's my cue to walk to the amusement park.


It's already quarter to 8 and my batchmates still won't let me leave. The amusement park will close in two hours and fifteen minutes.

"Taehyung-ah, don't leave yet." The tipsy Hyunkyoung begged.

"But Hyunkyoung..." I was cut of when she threw the bottle of soju behind me. Glasses got scattered everywhere and she left to pick it up since she's too drunk.

When I was about to stop her, another customer passed by and he unknowingly pushed her to the shattered glasses. Pointy parts of the glass scratched her.

"Let's get you to the hospital." I guided her to the exit and hailed a taxi.

We got to the hospital within 20 minutes. 

I waited for it to finish for an hour.

"Taehyung-ah, can you take her home? She's hurt and I don't think she can go home alone especially she's drunk." Seokjin said. He has a night shift again. I can't say no to him.

I hailed a taxi again but instead of going to her place, I told the driver to go to the amusement park. It'll take so much time to get to her house.

Good thing I know someone from the inside and he let us in. We looked and looked for her. I was about to give up when I saw a figure inside a ferris wheel's capsule. I knew she wanted to ride one of those.

I went closer to the capsule just to hear her sobs. I swear it broke my heart but I know it's my fault anyway.

"Taehyung-ah," She pulled my arm before I could get to Haeji. "I love you.." She placed her lips on mine.

Haeji saw us when she got out of the capsule. Her red eyes got so big due to the shock. Her soft lips formed an 'o' shape. Before I could explain, she disappeared from my sight. I took Hyunkyoung first and explained to her parents before it sank in to me.

My own girlfriend saw me kissing another girl.


I'm in front of the man I saw two months ago. Jeon Jungkook.

"Why are you crying? Did something happen? What happened? Are you hurt?"

I hugged him instead of answering all those questions. "Jungkook-ah, I don't know but you seem very close to my heart. I don't know how and why. Were we close before?"

"You'll know it soon."

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