twenty three

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"You woke up early and came all this way just to see me! You shouldn't have done that!"

Harry's words were muffled into Draco's shoulder as he stood there practically holding the boy off of the ground.

"Well, I did it anyway." Draco rolled his eyes at Harry's over-enthusiasm. He sat him back down on the ground as Harry pulled away from the hug.

He remained latched on to Draco's arms as his eyes roamed over his face.

"I can't believe you're here! Draco Malfoy is here, the edgelord himself."

"I thought we established that I'm not

"'No, you established that you're not edgy. I think you're still edgy as hell."

He couldn't help but laugh at Harry's claim, which was honestly music to Harry's ears. "Are you in a hurry to get back home?"

Draco shook his head. "I drove all the way out here just to see you. I thought you had this figured out."

"I know, I know, I was just making sure I wasn't taking up all your time."

"And what would it matter if you were?"

Surprisingly to the blond, a giggle escaped from Harry's mouth. Cute.

"Let's go do something, then!"

"Doesn't Diggory need you?"

"Who gives a hell what Diggory needs? You're here." And at that, Harry led Draco out of the studio. Draco directed him towards his car, and they were off in a matter of seconds.

"What should we do?" Harry inquired.

"Well, I thought you already had an idea considering you were so insistent on leaving."

Harry just shrugged in response as Draco began to ponder the options.

"Are you hungry?"

"Not really, they brought in food this morning while I was getting my hair and makeup done."

Draco hummed and thought some more. "We could always just drive around until we find something that interests us."

Harry happily agreed, and Draco continued to drive. He occasionally looked over at Harry to see if anything had piqued his interest. After several minutes had passed, he let out an excited gasp and pointed toward a building to Draco's left.

"Draco, lets go there!"

He squinted his eyes to read the sign while pulling into the turning lane at the last minute.

"A trampoline park? Really, Harry?"

"Of course, why not?" Harry laughed.

"We're practically adults."

"Your point?"

Draco breathed out a sigh, realizing that there was no point in arguing. Of course, Harry would have gotten his way anyway.

He laughed in triumph as Draco turned on the blinker, waiting for the light to turn green.

After spending twenty pounds on tickets and receiving several odd looks from both workers and parents, the pair found themselves surrounded by children in the midst of the trampoline park. By this point Draco had realized how big of a mistake he made.

"This is fun, right?" Harry bounced higher and higher next to the blond.

"I feel stupid."

"Don't be so grumpy, it's perfectly fine. Besides, you should enjoy this while you're still young."

He crossed his arms at this. "Still young? Harry Potter, I believe you still have the mentality of a twelve year old. What grown man comes to a trampoline park?"

He pretended to be lost in thought for a moment before looking back at the grumpy boy in front of him. "This one does,"

Before Draco could retaliate, a ball pit had already caught Harry's attention and he was quickly running towards it.

Once again, Draco didn't bother arguing. He woke up before dawn and drove all the way to London in order to spend time with Harry. No matter how much he protested going to a place meant for children, (not eighteen year olds who think they're still children!) he couldn't deny that he was, in fact, completely whipped for Harry Potter.

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