In Which it is Established.

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"Oh come on, everyone knows you're the dad friend Shiro, don't even deny it," Pidge offered, an amused expression on their face.

Shiro sighed in defeat, rolling his eyes to Lance. "As long as I'm not entirely responsible for once, I accept the title."

Lance squealed in his giddy excitement. "Yesss! Space dad admits it!"

Pidge rolled their eyes this time, and turned to Allura. "That makes you space mom, and I'll say Coran is the cool uncle with too many stories."

Allura and Shiro shared a slight blush, but Coran simply laughed and agreed.

"Keith and Lance fight often, and from what I've observed, that's common among Earthen siblings, correct?" Allura recommended, her endless research of coming through.

"Nah, it's different," Pidge said knowingly and before either started a new fight. "They'd be the neighbors that argue through their windows about who's music is too loud. Lance and Hunk would be like siblings, maybe just kinda living together without much reason. Maybe Coran took them in. Maybe we're neighbors with the cool uncle who takes care of Lance and Hunk but never actually adopted them."

Hunk looked dramatically abashed. Lance shared his false offense, putting a hand to his chest. "So you and space dad are a family but we have to fend for ourselves in this cruel world?" he accused.

From his usual place, standing off to the side, Keith spoke. "Hey Pidge, can we trade rooms? I don't want his awful music ruining my experience in this space family."

"Yeah, no. My room is the only one where we can't hear Shallura getting it on," Pidge teased.

"No fair Pigeon. I don't want a reminder every time I try to sleep."

Allura cut in. "Can someone explain? What is 'Shallura,' and what does that mean?"

Shiro just hid his face in his metal arm. "My children are demons. My children are literally demons."

Lance called out quickly, "You could trade. You could have Hunk Matt and I. We're not going to make sex jokes about you and space mom. At least not in front of you."

Keith snorted. "Like you could help it."


"Pidge please I need that room."

"No can do Keithy boy. My nest does not move," they said shrugging. "Hey can any of you write? We should turn theoretical space family into a what-would-have-happened-on Earth story."

No one said anything and Pidge dropped the topic. Keith however, who, though had stayed silent, could write, would definitely experiment with the prompt later.

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