In Which it is Redirected.

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Keith finally got away from the rest of Team Voltron, and relaxed. He hadn't been completely honest. This story was like a diary. He could vent, and control his feelings better. He could talk them out in his head and on the pages.

"Hey guys? Pidge? Come check this out," Lance called up the stairwell. He and Coran were working on Pidge's stupid space tracker, but now, something was going on.

Pidge rushed downstairs, dragging Hunk by the arm and yelling at Keith to hurry up. They glanced at the tracker and their jaw dropped.

Keith finally made his way down, and covered his eyes. It was strangely quiet for everyone being down there. Then- why was everyone staring at him?

Lance's lips hung parted slightly. Meeting Keith's eyes, he stumbled over his words, muttering at tops, "You- purple- ears- Keith what the hell?"

He furrowed his brow in confusion, before turning to see the problem with Pidge's machine.

It was glowing white gold, but no one else paid it any attention, and Keith felt suffocated by the eyes watching him. All of a sudden, the glowing stopped, along with the staring, and everyone else was looking around confused, or moaning about a headache.

Keith rushed upstairs to Pidge's room, though he didn't know why. He sat at their desk staring at the communication device. Without thinking, he picked it up. He figured out for the most part where Pidge had written the programming on her laptop for the message it sent. Keith rewrote and reloaded the message, hoping it worked, and gently set the contraption down.

Pidge burst into Keith's room, waving around their glass of some new alien drink Hunk had made, though they nearly dropped it upon seeing him. "Is that the book? Hey! Guys Keith is trying to write it without us! Everyone get in here stat!"

The hallways were filled with random exclamations and footsteps, but Lance was the next to reach them.

"Did you kill me off already Mullet?" he nearly shouted, frantically lunging for the book.

Keith snatched it away protectively. "No I didn't kill anyone! This isn't yours, go away!" he snapped.

Shiro got to the doorway just as Allura did, and glared at Keith. "I'm fairly sure we agreed this was a group effort, you can't yell at him for that."

Keith looked away stubbornly clutching the notebook. He reluctantly handed it to Pidge, who read through it quickly.

They glanced at him sympathetically, and looked up to Shiro, voice low. "I'm taking that back then. It's a group effort when he's willing to put up with us for a bit, but he needs to write out the story on his own too."

Shiro blinked a few times before nodding silently. "Keith," he tried, "tell us anytime you can then. We all wanted to be a part of this, and I get it's really for you, but," he trailed off.

Keith nodded, and kicked Lance in the shin.

"Ow! What the hell!"

"Get out."

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