In Which Klance is Important

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•Yes I know the castle is dead, no I don't know what ship they're on now. In it Pidge Matt and Keith share a room. Others will be noted if they're important to conversation.•

Keith was holed up in his room with Demon Pigeon for his recording. They were busy testing out different tracks, and layering instrumentals, while he did basic vocal warm ups.

"Pidge?" They looked up. "Go figure out how Lance would react if he thought I could sing."

They giggled manically. "Hold on, first, let me see if you can."

Keith rolled his eyes, and shyly mumbled out a few lines of [insert song here] flawlessly. I hc Keith is an amazing singer so now you're stuck with it.

Pidge giggled again, running away, phone in hand.

"PIDGE GET BACK HERE," he yelled after them. His face was bright red again. Apparently Keith blushes all the fucking time now.

Lance's wordless choking could be heard all throughout the castle.

Allura's concern could too. She yelled into the hall, "Lance? Are you okay? Does someone need to do that, Earth maneuver? I don't recall it's name, something like, him-lick?"

•Let me have this. Please.•

Lance's choking sounds only got worse. Pidge came back still laughing. "You've got you're reaction Keithy~"

"Will you SHUT UP," he shouted at her, huffing, and opening the book again.

Keith opened his window for the acoustics, the echoing sounded better with it open. He ignored the fact that Lance's window was cracked for obvious reasons.

"SO YOU ADMIT IT'S OBVIOUS!" Pidge yelled triumphantly.

"Shut up," he said, his voice cracking.

•Don't mind me just butchering characters I'm sorry I can't write.•

Pidge turned on the mic, and Keith started into the first few lines of [insert second song here], shyly at first, but getting stronger.

Pidge gestured for him to keep going and kept to the window, peeking through it.

Lance was in his room trying to eavesdrop, not having accurately guessed what he was in for. Key word was, even though I wrote this all in past tense. I think. Now, he was clinging to the wall, barely able to breath. I guess Keith singing is attractive now.

"Now? Dude, Lance has always had a thing for musicians. Remember when we went to whatever planet where basically every corner had a small girls choir? He was dying."

Keith and Pidge record, it's not important to plot, Yorak is entirely forgotten. Lance came over, with the excuse of wanting to talk to Matt.

"Where's Matt, Pidge?" Keith asked, just now noticing the other boys absence.

They shrugged and went back to their popcorn. "Keep going."

Keith shook his head. "Where did you even get that Pidge?"

They shrugged and went back to the popcorn. "Keep going."

Space Dad Two-

"Just space dad now. Space mom is with space Grandpa now."

Space Dad and Lance talked for a while, even though the latter was distracted. Eventually he got up the nerve.

"Hey Dad? What's Keith using that song thing for?"

Floor Matt waggled his eyebrows teasingly. "Why exactly?"

Lance scoffed, but blushed as he excused himself. "He said I can't listen to my music for it."

Matt giggled manically in a similar manner to demon pigeon. "Oh, nothing much, just a monthly update for his 3k followers on [insert platform here], who expect a cover soon."

Pidge raised their eyebrows. "3K? Really?"

Keith laughed flatly. "Hell no. I'm way too camera shy for that."

Pidge made a mental note to post and and every recording they got of Keith singing.

Lance said a quick goodbye to Matt, and went back home to see Hunk. Being the good soul and kind friend and cinnamon roll he is, he helped Lance scour said platform for hours until they found Keith. The two then made horrible alias accounts with which to follow me- him. I really need to stop using pen. Lance was The_Tailor and Hunk was OnMyFoodGravy or OMFG.

Pidge cracked up. "Oh my god can I please go tell them that," they yelled in Keith's ear. He ignored them.

Keith obviously knew. They we're predictable. Also he wrote it. He began posting cheesier songs as the months went on. Idk. Love songs. Look I tried for plot and I tried for feelings I can't help it that I'm a horrible writer.

"Keeeeith," Pidge said, just above a whisper. "Does that mean we can show the rest of the team? Can we finish it? I want to read this."

Keith shook his head. "Not yet. I need to include at least one good Punk interaction."

Pidge pouted and rushed off to find Matt.

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