In Which it is Started.

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While Lance and Coran we're downstairs, Keith walked in on Pidge in their room with Hunk. They were talking science and a bunch of shit he didn't understand, so he waited quietly at the door for someone to notice him.

Hunk was the first to. He gestured smiling for Keith to join them. "Hey, guess what the demon is working on?"

Keith rolled his eyes, snapping sarcastically. "Hopefully a way to block out the sound from my room? Shiro-

"Space dad," Pidge interrupted.

Space dad, and Allura-

"Oh come on Keith are you even trying?"

"Fine! Jesus fucking Christ Pidge!"

Space dad and space mom get really really, distracting. It's sick.

"What planet are we on that Allura and I get like that Keith. Honestly," Shiro scolded.

Keith looked up at him through his bangs. "You had your chance to switch with Coran, now you are the father of two demon children. Moving on."

"No, sorry. But before you ask again, no. I refuse to sleep across from Lance, and I refuse to let Lance swap with Hunk. I can smell when he bakes from my room. It's awesome. I'm making a way to communicate with aliens, at least any who can figure out how to use the copy I hid in the Garrison's most recent launch."

"So, you want to scare Hunk out of his right mind then. What is wrong with you?" Keith asked.

"Since when am I afraid of aliens. Come on," Hunk interrupted.

Lance scoffed, "Uh, hello? Remember the whole thing at the Garrison when we found out Pidge actually was talking to aliens?"

"That was more intercepting conversation, but Lance is right," Pidge put in. They were in Keith's lap, and reading off what he wrote for the others to dissect. "Hunk you were terrified."

"Was not."

"Whatever you say. But I'm not letting him change it."

"Fine by me," Keith said before going back to the story.

Pidge shrugged. "Not sure. I guess I just like watching him squirm? You should go check out what Lance and Uncle Coran are doing. I have them following my design to build a satellite to track the one I put into space while I monitor whether or not they figure out how to use it."

"Sounds cool, but I don't think I should. Lance would literally burn down a building at the sight of me," Keith sighed.

"Exaggeratedly much?" Lance snapped.

"I'm getting there. Shut up will you?"

Pidge looked at him with their eyes lidded suspiciously. They shrugged it off and went back to their laptop screen.

"Laptop? Really? You can do better than that Keith."

"Is that not what you used at the Garrison?"

"Good point. Proceed."

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