I Which McClain Takes Diary

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Lance felt a pool of guilt in his stomach as he tiptoed back to his room. The book was awkwardly in the side of his jacket, jabbing into his ribs. Maybe that was Keith's goal, stab anyone who tried to read it. Wouldn't be surprising.

Pidge turned the corner and stopped, glaring up at Lance. He'd practically jumped at the sight of them, almost dropping the book. He leaning against the wall in a strange manner to keep it from falling.

"Whatcha doing, sharpshooter?" they teased, poking a finger at his chest childishly.

Lance shifted again, avoiding eye contact. "Nothing much, you?"

Pidge squinted their eyes skeptically, cocking their head. "I will figure this out McClain."

They walked away and Lance slid his back down the wall, relieved for only a second. Then he sprinted down the hall to his room.

Swallowing the guilt making it's way up his throat, he opened to the page after the bookmark. He didn't want to read anything he wasn't supposed to yet. He didn't want to break Keith's trust. This book was the only way they'd bonded, at least since season one. He took out a blue ball point pen, and started to write.

For as dense as Lance not-over-nyma McClain is, he still has his pride to protect. And so, on [2018 pride parade date], he dragged Keith, Matt, Pidge, space dad, and Lotor to pride. He made them change in the car, having bought shit already. Pidge had their green jacket and a beanie in nb pride colors, Lance had bi pride everything, I still haven't figured out Keith's exact sexual orientation, Lotor had a shirt that read "LIES ARE NOT FOR BI'S," Matt had jeans with rainbow paint splatters because why not. Space dad is poly now. I want to say he's just gay for Floor Matt but space mom is still an issue and I need to include more pride in this than bi bi bi. Which I am. Bi bi bi that is. I should just erase that and start over, but this is in pen.

Lance threw the book into his bed. He wasn't a writer. Why did he do this.

Everyone ate food and danced and shit, I don't know. My parents never had the time to let me go to pride so I'm making this all up. Anyway, let's say Lance gets drunk. I would probably do that. Lance gets drunk, and accidentally kisses Keith. Drama has been started.

Keith has a reaction. Probably shock. I'm sorry Keith I really don't know what you would do if I kissed you.

Pidge takes a picture, snickering and planning to use it for blackmail. They ask space dad and Floor Matt to drive them home, saying Lotor could take Klance on his own. They comply, unaware that the demon child plans to murder the other demon child with secondhand embarrassment.

Lotor finally takes Keith and Lance home. I guess there's not much dialogue now, just description. I'm really bad at this. Could you tell? Lying Lotor tries to flirt with Keith, in the passenger seat. Lance jealously accidentally distracted him from either flirting or driving. Now everyone is almost dead. Let's see how Keith can finish this story now. Especially that he has to incorporate major pride of everyone there. And probably like three crushes or something.

Lance slammed the book shut. He knew his writing sucked. Now he had to put to book back before he was caught. Slowly, he crept up to his door. He slid down the hall to Keith's room ninja style. Opening the door just sightly, he threw the book into the room and the wall and sprinted away, closing his door just as he heard Keith yell something. Success.

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