In Which My Plot is Still Bullshit

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•Okay so I don't know what time stamp was on the rest of this, but now we're skipping to end of season six. Also, fuck you DreamWorks. That hurt.•

Matt finally got back from wherever he was because again fuck you DreamWorks, and read through Keith's book. Matt is now the only one with permission to do so. He's my baby, why wouldn't he?

"Keith, this is good and all, but, I don't, I have a think for the princess. Not Shirogane." Matt fumbled with his words, trying to suffocate the blush from whichever chapter Hunk got his PTSD in.

Keith looked up from the knife he was sharpening with a dead ass glare. "Floor Matt, do not even try to tell me you aren't gay for Space Dad number one."

Matt shuffled awkwardly. "Can we even call him that now? I think he's Space Grand Dad now."

Pidge clamped their hand over his face, looking around wildly. They whispered, fearfully, "Shshshsh... If he hears you he will start moping again. He's really sensitive about it."

Keith nodded gravely. "He blames us. He thinks that the stress of having to deal with us again caused it."

Matt turned red, flustering as he spoke. "You mean he doesn't, what about, but he's, ME!" he finished elegantly.

Keith smirked. "So does Space Dad Two have a thing for older men now? Or can we cure Hunk?"

Matt hid his face in a pillow while Pidge snickered. "Fuck you. All of you."

Pidge and Keith shared a look, and they said, barely containing their laughter, "Especially Shiro?"

Matt stood up quietly, walking into Keith's closet without a word. Then he screeched like a little girl. Not Pidge, because their voice is really low and I love it and I want it. But a little girl. "KEITH WHY IS IT ALL RAINBOW YOU WHERE EXCLUSIVELY RED AND BLACK!"

Keith fell back into his bunk and Pidge doubled over laughing. Breathlessly, he tried to answer. "I got it, hah, just for, hah, when, hah, you had your, hah, gay ass break, hah, break down."

Pidge broke into a whole new fit of laughter.

Matt stormed back to the bunk, huffing as he sat back down. "Just, just keep writing."

Keith glared playfully, but picked the book back up.

Keith made his way over to Hunk and Lance and Coran's house. He also dragged along his bigger stronger grizzled brother, Yorak. In your face Lover Boy.

Pidge cracked up again, as Matt read out what Keith wrote. "Dude you're in deep."

"Shut the hell up. You don't know what you're talking about."

Matt smirked. "Yeah, she does. They, sorry. They do. You're way too gay for him. You're gonna tear yourself to pieces if you don't just admit it."

Keith blushed like mad, trying to deny the obvious. We all knew this child was a gay ass baby Yorak from the beginning.

"Just, shut up."

When they got to the door, not a very long walk, they're literally neighbors, Lance answered it. He gawked at Yorak.

Keith glared definitely not jealously-

"Dude, just admit it."

"Pidge please be quiet I can't deal with this yet," he nearly whined.

Matt interrupted, his voice teasing. "Did he really call you 'bigger stronger and grizzled?'"

Keith's face was brighter red than his jacket that we all decided just doesn't fit him anymore. His voice was just above a whisper. "I can't think about that yet or else I come to the conclusion that I actually like him and that's a horrible idea."

Pidge's eyes lit up. "LANCE AND KEITHY SITTING IN A TREE-"

Matt joined in, "HO-MO-SE-XU-AL-I-TY!"

Allura poked her head in through the door. "What is that by the way? Shiro mentioned something about it, I think we were talking about Matt being back."

Matt just died. Right there. Dead. Gone. Never coming back. Shatt is dead. Jk I love them too much. Allura left bc Lancey Lance called her, I don't know what for. Not important to plot. Back to writing.

Keith was not at all jealous under any circumstances. Though he made a mental note to start working out more. "So," he announced, "I need to ask you to please stop playing music."

Lance flinched and grimaced. "And why would I do that?" he asked.

Keith began to feel uncomfortable standing next to his two years older brother self, still holding most of McClain's attention. "Uh, I'm, uhm, recording something. I wanted to try something and I needed quiet."

Lance finally gave Keith his attention, leaning on the doorway with his arms crossed. The classic cocky stature. "Recording huh? For what, some porn sight?"

Keith blushed profusely and it had absolutely nothing to do with Lance and everything to do with being accused if being a pornstar. And not with being accused of something like that by someone who almost definitely has high standards for pornstars. Pidge and Matt be quiet I don't know either.

Lance let them go, his gaze lingering on Yorak for a few more seconds as they left. Why couldn't he have noticed the smaller weaker opposite-of-grizzled of the siblings, huh?

"Aww, Keithy's jealous. Wait, no, Keithy is annoyed Lancey Lance didn't notice him sooner? Yeah," Matt struggled. "WAIT, OMG YOU'RE A BOTTOM AREN'T YOU!?"

Keith blushed again. "First, no. I'm not jealous. Even of myself. Second, who says OMG in real life Matt? Seriously. Third, shut the hell up. You do not get to determine these things. And FOR YOUR INFORMATION, I'm a switch. I just, I don't know. I feel like he's shallow. Only noticing people once he thinks they're attractive."

Pidge screeched like the demon they are. "SO YOU ADMIT YOU LIKE HIM!?"

Keith clamped a hand over their face. "I did no such thing."

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